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Butch & the Control Kid

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  • #76
    What we had was PNPism. Sparrow call it Capitalism gone mad.
    How can we not produce anything?
    How can we have no productivty growth or GDP growth
    Such high interest rate for the better part of 14 years
    Not t o mention the croynism or corruption without check and balances which allow all the public officals who commit crime off the hook.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #77
      Umm, who weilded more power to affect the lives of ordinary Jamaicans ?


      • #78
        We had an effective market system for the last 18 years ????

        Heh, heh.

        Ah Bwoy.

        Lee Kwan Yew commented on the 'fervor' you and other display.

        Smart man that Yew. Read us like a book and predicted our current situation.


        • #79
          Stop asking questions!



          • #80
            "They say that there are a million ways to kill a dog. A businessman doesn't need a license to import potatoes. So the political masters are scared of his fearless voice and his money.

            They can't stop his potatoes from coming in, but they can cause them to smell stink. You can get your people on the wharf to slow down the processing of his papers.

            By the time he gets his Irish vegetables, they are rotten and he has lost a lot of money. So he knows what is in store for him if he continues on his outspoken crusade.

            A shop-keeper already has his permit from the City Council to sell food. But he can be charged for not keeping a clean environment. The Health Inspectors may want to examine his cooking utensils. He may be told that his building is not properly ventilated."

            The problem in Jamaica is not the presence of a Butch Stewart.. the problem is there are NOT ENOUGH Businessmen with what they call 'FVCK YOU MONEY'

            The PNP control of this country has been predicated on making sure we don't have too many Entrepenuers making money which could result in a very strong private sector.. PNP scheme has been centralizing power in the hands of a few.. the problem is this few have no PRODUCTIVE value to the country.

            They can get away with this because they can always press the 'Anti Big Man Button' and sway the masses. This technology was developed by Michael '5 Flights a Day' Manley and preserves to this very day... once he opened that Pandoras Box.. Jamaica was doomed.. chained to the rock of mediocrity and underperformance.


            • #81
              couldn't have said this any better... thank you...

              in support, i will submit this offering....

              i've been an observer, no pun, of this growing phenomenon, whereas the butch stewart types, embolden with the knowledge that their colleagues hold the power, NOW believe that whatever initiative they would like to implement should be implemented regardless of the negative impact it may bring to the masses as long as it serves their interest...

              i am willing to give bruce golding and his government the opportunity to move the country in a direction that will reap collective progress and prosperity for the masses... however, if 'the driver' is willing to stand back and not reign in his wealthy supporters at the expense of the peoples interests, then he will be contributing to the expansion of an underclass...

              prior to and during the election period, 'the observer' has exposed itself to being a biased medium that promulgates the interests of its owner and his class...

              the question is who will stand up and defend the peoples interest...
              'to get what we've never had, we MUST do what we've never done'


              • #82
                Um.. and how exactly has Butch Stewart in his rise to the top negatively impacted the masses ?

                I can find tons of data where 'Politicos' have SEVERLEY impacted the masses in their rise to the top...

                Suh who should I fear ?

                Who should I 'Reign In'

                Heh, heh

                Critical Thinking.. it helps to escape the trap of social programming.


                • #83
                  Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                  Can I use this response in the future? I will make sure to give credit where it's due.
                  Happy to be of service to the massive.

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #84
                    Check dis out !

                    "The list of high achievers does not end there because Edward Khoury, the managing director of another company in the Group (the Jamaica Observer), is slated to be the next president of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce."

                    Oh no.. Butch Stewart is taking over Jamaica....

                    Maybe he can do a better job than the "politicians"


                    • #85
                      There you go again..

                      Is one man stroking you ego and yuh ready fi buss ahready....


                      • #86
                        Paget got too big for his britches, he actually told people at the Observer more than once that he was god...

                        As for Oliver Clarke, he maintains an office on the fifth floor at 7 North Street and he is there by 8am five days a week, make no mistake, he does meddle but not to the point of Butch.

                        For example any article about any campany owned by anyone on the Board but get his clearance first, these include SuperClubs or GraceKennedy.
                        Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                        Che Guevara.


                        • #87
                          Is there a bigger sellout than Oliver Clarke ?


                          • #88
                            Why because he did not breach proper journalism ethics and sell his soul to Bruce and the JLP like Butch did?

                            Every body knows the Clarke family openly supported the JLP for a long time and maybe they still does but that does not mean he has to use the Gleaner to play dirty.
                            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
                            Che Guevara.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                              What we had was PNPism. Sparrow call it Capitalism gone mad.
                              How can we not produce anything?
                              How can we have no productivty growth or GDP growth
                              Perhaps you need to check the PRIVATE SECTOR?
                              "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                              • #90
                                Oliver Clarke called Omar Davis the greatest Finance Minister Jamaica has ever had.

                                We all know where Oliver Clarkes bread was buttered... the lean of HIS paper is quite evident.

