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Butch & the Control Kid

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Sickko View Post
    Wrong again Willi, I have hit out against Paulwell before this, more than once too, but in this case some one needs to go to prison, simple...

    OK sah,

    I tek it back. Apologies.

    Straightforward and forthright position.


    • #62
      Clearly Butch! He has a popular newspaper with which to influence minds. That's very dangerous!



      • #63
        Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
        Clearly Butch! He has a popular newspaper with which to influence minds. That's very dangerous!
        If people minds are that simple, we have a problem anyway.

        What was influencing minds in the last 20 years?


        • #64

          Butch Stewart VS Omar Davis... who yuh did fear most ?


          • #65
            Heh, heh..

            Corruption in the press ?!... how about an ongoing and detailed analysis of Govt to keep them honest and working in the public interest ?

            Yuh ever stop and listen to yourself ?

            What yuh tink bout di American press... is Fox News 'working in the public interest' ?

            LOL !! WHOOEEE !!

            Unnuh confuse bad... programmed to fear the Private Sector to the point of irrationality.

            Cannot shake off the communist training... ahh bwoy... between that and post Slavery syndrome.. wi doomed... haffi wait till that generation dead off.. in the meantime revamp the Intellectual Ghetto to prevent spitting out more ah dem.

            Eddie smart.. gone to the source of di evil.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Maudib View Post
              Heh, heh..

              Corruption in the press ?!... how about an ongoing and detailed analysis of Govt to keep them honest and working in the public interest ?

              Yuh ever stop and listen to yourself ?

              What yuh tink bout di American press... is Fox News 'working in the public interest' ?

              LOL !! WHOOEEE !!

              Unnuh confuse bad... programmed to fear the Private Sector to the point of irrationality.

              Cannot shake off the communist training... ahh bwoy... between that and post Slavery syndrome.. wi doomed... haffi wait till that generation dead off.. in the meantime revamp the Intellectual Ghetto to prevent spitting out more ah dem.

              Eddie smart.. gone to the source of di evil.
              I see you have been trying to get my attention for some time now on this thread. Because I find your offerings either childish, specious or unconstructive and tiresome (usually some combination of those 4) I have refrained from responding...until now.

              your words--- how about an ongoing and detailed analysis of Govt to keep them honest and working in the public interest ?

              This is the primary task of the Opposition. The JLP was very aggressive and effective in this role. Hopefully the PNP will follow that example.

              The rest of your post I wont elevate by way of a response.

              I know you like to have the last word so............knock yourself out. I can't devote any more time to the inconsequential...... such as a response to whatever drivel you choose to post.


              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #67
                That cop out works as well as any.

                As for 'getting your attention'.. get over yourself.. you are just the latest vermin to pop up out of the woodwork.. yuh not fooling nuhbady comrade.. probably a jaded Peter Phillips supporter.

                Jamaica still has not recovered from 'The Movement' in the late 60's going into the seventies... that Mona property being at the HEART of the 'revolution'.

                Said property has not contributed anything of consequence other than some 'revolutionaries' tilting at windmills and is decaying into irrelevance.



                • #68
                  I would expect you to give me a reason why Vin is more dangerous than Butch. I am not hear to answer your questions so-suh-suh.

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                    Some people on the forum is stuck, they simple hate capitalism but holding on to some form of PNPism to act as if we had an effective market system for the last 18 years.
                    So, what do you think we had for the last 18 years? Some type of socialism?!?!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #70
                      Willi, that is true in whatever society. I would go further, but I see you are clad in your dirty green. No point.

                      BLACK LIVES MATTER


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                        I see you have been trying to get my attention for some time now on this thread. Because I find your offerings either childish, specious or unconstructive and tiresome (usually some combination of those 4) I have refrained from responding...until now.

                        your words--- how about an ongoing and detailed analysis of Govt to keep them honest and working in the public interest ?

                        This is the primary task of the Opposition. The JLP was very aggressive and effective in this role. Hopefully the PNP will follow that example.

                        The rest of your post I wont elevate by way of a response.

                        I know you like to have the last word so............knock yourself out. I can't devote any more time to the inconsequential...... such as a response to whatever drivel you choose to post.

                        Can I use this response in the future? I will make sure to give credit where it's due.

                        BLACK LIVES MATTER


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                          Willi, that is true in whatever society. I would go further, but I see you are clad in your dirty green. No point.
                          Or you feeding me red herring. LoL

                          Call them as I see them bredrin.

                          If you come with superior reasoning, i am open to changing my mind as I am bound to no colour!


                          • #73
                            Willi, call it whatever, but from where I sit, you have taken on a very biased stance that it is near impossible to discuss and argue some points. We already have Maudib and Lazie on the Forum for such ridiculous responses. That air of impartiality and fairness seems nothing more than a deceptive cloak.

                            Hey, perhaps it's my own biases why I am now thinking this way. But at least I am even able to say that. With people like you, it is always "I am bound to no colour" or "I keep it real" when the reality appears so far from that.

                            It's sad because as a senior Forumite who has always been a voice or reason, calm, intellect and knowledge, I fear we may have lost our Willi.

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                              Willi, call it whatever, but from where I sit, you have taken on a very biased stance that it is near impossible to discuss and argue some points. We already have Maudib and Lazie on the Forum for such ridiculous responses. That air of impartiality and fairness seems nothing more than a deceptive cloak.

                              Hey, perhaps it's my own biases why I am now thinking this way. But at least I am even able to say that. With people like you, it is always "I am bound to no colour" or "I keep it real" when the reality appears so far from that.

                              It's sad because as a senior Forumite who has always been a voice or reason, calm, intellect and knowledge, I fear we may have lost our Willi.

                              You have lost no one.

                              I am not bound by any colour, but you quickly forget my positions about the nurses and Smith, fo example. Similar to my position on the Peralto/Douglas seat.

                              What you fail to realize is that a lot of Red Herring and nitpicking has been going on about a Govt that in in power for 2 months.

                              Unless they make big errors I will not join the lynching mob. Especially when led by people who have committed MAJOR indescretion time and time again. These actions are still fresh in my mind and the beneficiaries are still running around materially better off than the hapless population.

                              As to the APPARENT conflicts of interest, they will have to be managed, as we cant afford to restrict appointments to the ignorami. REAL conflict are what concern me and we saw more than enough in the last 18 years. Time for the PNP to start earning its keep and stop crying wolf. They need to be watching for REAL violations. That is how they best serve our interest. JLP is not immune to having tiefs in their midst.


                              • #75
                                I am not watching the red herring and nitpicking from the PNP. Not sure that 2 months are not enuff time to get some more done, however. There should have been a crime plan on September 4 as far as I am concerned!

                                Don't fall for that nonsense, Willi. We have gone thru to many decades of that. They will tell us that there is no better person for the job and have us believe that if anyone else is appointed then we have taken from the ignorami. Crap! Racism is built on such garbage when it ain't always true!

                                At the same time, it will be very difficult for our board members, and some chairpersons, to be entirely free some conflict of interest. But the Lynch case, even more soo than the Wehby case in my opinion, was a good one for McNeil to take up, and Butch had no right to trace him about it.

                                BLACK LIVES MATTER

