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Butch & the Control Kid

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  • Butch & the Control Kid

    Butch is a great Jamaican, great businessman and patriot....that's one admirable side of the man.

    The other side is.... he seems to believe that whatever is good for Butch must be good for Jamaica. WRONG!

    This conceit has really gone to his head and has become pathological it seems to me. Some examples of this pathological behaviour aimed at self promotion and control:
    Prostituting the Observer into his own personal mouthpiece..they religiously print Sandals/Butch press releases presented as "news"...the editorial content is coordinated in both timing and content with Butch's positions and statements...editorial cartoon speaks for itself.....not even the pretense of balance.

    This is a dishonest and corrupt misuse of media. Yes he owns it but media has a responsibility to be independent and not manipulative. The Observer is now a JA$1000 prostitute doing its master's bidding....very, very sad.

    He seems to be placing his minions in positions of great influence and power in the society- obviously spending significant resources to muscle in for places at the table of power ...one could be charitable and say it's in the national interest because his people are brilliant but I have long past being gullible on such matters. There is a personal agenda driving this process.

    What Butch's ultimate objective is I don't know but at the very least he wants a dominant voice in political, business and social affairs in the country....AKA control. It could at a minimum mean control leading to increased business for him (corrupt but benign) or something more malignant.

    Our country is at peril when an unelected, unrestrained, unsupervised cabal of private interests is able to accumulate excessive power. This situation must be watched closely.

    Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

    D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007

  • #2
    Well said! Very well said!



    • #3
      "We always believe we are best for Jamaica, so ANTHING that will cause us to be in power is therefore good for Jamaica..."

      Yuh tink is Butch mi fraid ah ??

      Easy yuhself...


      • #4
        If only some people knew. I am
        the eternal learner so I will watch and learn.


        • #5
          More like a Great Pretender.


          • #6
            So wait is Butch the only one in Jamaica prostituting the media for any political party?

            What about the other media houses that blatantly support the other side?

            One thing is certain and that is the man and his staff have experience inna tourism and unlike what the pnp has been doing using activits and people who have no experience to head tourism board. I must say however the recent JTB appointment by Portia was great but these people without vested interest in tourism is hard to find. It is either to put an unqualified person or someone who is qualifed who have experience and can manage in the tourism industry and he choose the later. No matter who he choose it would have been a problem as he is either not black enough, a political activist or have private interest. Where were you guys when Vin Lawerence and others with private interest were nominated for not one but several positions? I guess there was no conflict of interest then.
            • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


            • #7
              Don1, don't blame Butch for putting himself and his interests ahead of any political party. If the majority of the electorate were doing the same we'd be better off.

              Time for unthinking people to understand that these parties ain't nothing but a vehicle to either the betterment or the destruction of Jamaica. For 18 years unthinking people sit back and mek the circus act wreak the country.

              Again, nuh blame Butch .... look at the equation again .. it is clear who yuh need to be upset with.
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #8
                Originally posted by Assasin View Post
                So wait is Butch the only one in Jamaica prostituting the media for any political party?

                What about the other media houses that blatantly support the other side?

                One thing is certain and that is the man and his staff have experience inna tourism and unlike what the pnp has been doing using activits and people who have no experience to head tourism board. I must say however the recent JTB appointment by Portia was great but these people without vested interest in tourism is hard to find. It is either to put an unqualified person or someone who is qualifed who have experience and can manage in the tourism industry and he choose the later. No matter who he choose it would have been a problem as he is either not black enough, a political activist or have private interest. Where were you guys when Vin Lawerence and others with private interest were nominated for not one but several positions? I guess there was no conflict of interest then.
                Please, sass, our memories are not that short. Many people, myself included, had a problem with Vin being on every board in Jamaica and his company getting all the contracts.

                And please note the difference - it's one thing for some newspaper to appear to take sides in this political game, but for the owner himself of a newspaper to show the type of bias that is being demonstrated now, I believe this is unheard of! I don't know of Oliver Clarke doing anything else, but with Butch, his prostitution of the Observer in his quest to become the most important person in Jamaica, is shameful!

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  Sound like Butch mash yuh corn..

                  Want to talk about it ?


                  • #10
                    Talk about corn, this post...!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Don1 View Post
                      Butch is a great Jamaican, great businessman and patriot....that's one admirable side of the man.

                      The other side is.... he seems to believe that whatever is good for Butch must be good for Jamaica. WRONG!

                      This conceit has really gone to his head and has become pathological it seems to me. Some examples of this pathological behaviour aimed at self promotion and control:
                      Prostituting the Observer into his own personal mouthpiece..they religiously print Sandals/Butch press releases presented as "news"...the editorial content is coordinated in both timing and content with Butch's positions and statements...editorial cartoon speaks for itself.....not even the pretense of balance.

                      This is a dishonest and corrupt misuse of media. Yes he owns it but media has a responsibility to be independent and not manipulative. The Observer is now a JA$1000 prostitute doing its master's bidding....very, very sad.

                      He seems to be placing his minions in positions of great influence and power in the society- obviously spending significant resources to muscle in for places at the table of power ...one could be charitable and say it's in the national interest because his people are brilliant but I have long past being gullible on such matters. There is a personal agenda driving this process.

                      What Butch's ultimate objective is I don't know but at the very least he wants a dominant voice in political, business and social affairs in the country....AKA control. It could at a minimum mean control leading to increased business for him (corrupt but benign) or something more malignant.

                      Our country is at peril when an unelected, unrestrained, unsupervised cabal of private interests is able to accumulate excessive power. This situation must be watched closely.
                      At last someone stands up!
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Is di PNP him talking bout ?

                        LOL !!

                        18 years of 'Gods' and is now him juss ah wake up bout watch closely ?



                        • #13
                          Some of us believe that once you are a successful businessman, you have the right to be a hypocrite, a jerk, an egomaniac and a bore. We don't all believe so.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
                            Some of us believe that once you are a successful businessman, you have the right to be a hypocrite, a jerk, an egomaniac and a bore. We don't all believe so.
                            What? Unuh want him to kiss up to the PNP? Some people see political parties as a vehicle, some of unuh need fi follow suit.
                            "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


                            • #15
                              "We always believe we are best for Jamaica, so ANYTHING that will cause us to be in power is therefore good for Jamaica"

                              At least di businessman have an excuse...

