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One last time for Exile and Company

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  • One last time for Exile and Company


    "The University of the West Indies was established to prepare the intelligentsia to administer the newly-formed nation-state and embark on the agenda of nation-building. As such, UWI existed as an economic protectorate and held a monopoly in a small higher education industry. It is interesting to note that to date UWI has not produced entrepenuers that have the wherewithal to provide it with significant endowments. This is a reflection of the fact that its primary purpose was to train the intelligentsia to work in a bureaucracy that to a large extent has been isolated from modern industry. The changes that have been unfolding during the last 25 years are rendering UWI obsolete as new demands are being placed on all the socail classes in the society.

    The intelligentsia does not have a scientific understanding of the process of capitalist globalisation and the implications for the world in which they live. At a general level it reflects the crisis of an educational system which fragments knowledge, separating the natural and technical sciences from the social sciences rendering their respective practitioners almost unable to communicate with one another. The intelligensia was never trained to understand the process of development and change."

    Now if THAT is not the definition of an Intellectual Ghetto then I do not know what is.

    I suspect y'all are hung up on the term "Ghetto". This hang up is probably born of ignorance.


    Something that resembles the RESTRICTION OR ISOLATION of a city Ghetto.

    There is a reason why it is called THE THINKING MANS PROGRAM... if you are not a THINKING MAN one is prone to leap to all manners of incorrect conclusions.

  • #2
    Intellectual honesty requires that you name your source.


    • #3
      Forget the messenger for the moment.

      Do you understand the analysis ?


      • #4
        kiss teeth. him tek people fi eediat!



        • #5
          Stupid is as stupid does...


          now respond intelligently if you can..

          bout intellectual honesty....

          LOL !!


          • #6
            PeeWee Herman is back?




            • #7
              Well then I would expect the international students that graduated from UWI to have a terrible time holding their jobs in their country.
              The argument about Intellectual Ghetto is akin to what Busta said on education, both with out sound reasons discredit education.

              Really would like to know the difference between Lee Kwan Yew and Castro/Hugo, (significant differences)and if there isn't much between the three, why go to Singapore when Cuba is closer?
              Is the JLP still demanding Cuba extradite Anthony Brown and George Flash?



              • #8
                Holding jobs eh..

                Heh, heh.

                You believe that UWI has acomplished its task by certifiying people to seek employment or further studies abroad ?

                You are contributing to the writers point.


                • #9
                  Well there is a reason for "jobs", we are mere players, the Big wigs run the show. What is your role in Capitalism?



                  • #10
                    I do not understand what you are saying...

                    Is Singapore a 'Big Wig', South Korea ? Ireland ? Taiwan ?

                    What do Big Wigs 'running a show' have to do with playing in the game ?


                    • #11
                      We are expecting UWI to produce a graduate or two to compete with Big Wigs, or the distinguished University will be called Intellectual Ghetto. Truth is Capitalism is a success in Ja, we have played(mere players)our part in this glabalization dreadful thing. In terms of the University able to produce GREAT PMs,they too are pawns, today we live in a more brainwashed and controled environment than the one Yew made his name.

                      I see where you are implying that Shaw did something special at the IMF/WB meeting, in reality Shaw remains insignificant to the people represented by the various, infamous banks.



                      • #12
                        All now I don't know if you agree or disagree with the statement that UWI is an Intellectual Ghetto.

                        It sounds like you are trying to make a 'profound' statement but for the life of me it is not quite clear..


                        • #13
                          Our problem has nothing to do with learning what is in the books, it is holding each and everything in the book to be true..., unable to challenge..
                          Our problem is bigger than a learning institution, it is evident in ways such as burning Chavez whilst hailing Yew.
                          UWI is not an intellectual Ghetto.
                          We all have to be graduates ..for that to be so.



                          • #14
                            Can you counter any of the points made in the argument that UWI is an intellectual ghetto.

                            Just saying it is not one.. falls a bit short.

                            I do not understand you statement about us all having to be graduates for it to be so...

                            What do you believe the role of a University is within today's global reality or the one that has manifested for at least a quarter of a century ?


                            • #15
                              I think the ref.. to Intellectual ghetto is that in the social science and Econ Dept. they produce a lot of hot air and little substance.

                              UWI has a deserved reputation for producing Bush Jacket pseudo socialists.

                              Uwi does not have a stellar reputation for producing real innovators, despite the quality of students that have paraded through it. Why is it that NCU is the one winning Microsoft prizes for example? UWI and Utech need to step up and unleash innovations and practical applications that can help propel Jamaican business.

