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Bali not better

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  • Bali not better

    LETTER OF THE DAY - Best island in the world? 'Bali not better than Jamaica'
    published: Tuesday | October 23, 2007

    The Editor, Sir:
    I have just returned from the East and en route back to Jamaica stopped in Bali, Indonesia.
    On so many occasions, I had read about the island's beauty, the exotic people, the food and excellent service.
    Most recently, I read that Bali has been voted the Best Island in the World by [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]Travel[/COLOR][/COLOR] & Leisure magazine. Since 2002 this is the sixth time that Bali has received this accolade from T&L despite the terrorist bombing of a nightclub in Denpasar which had nothing to do with the Balinese people.
    On my visit, I set out to see what it is that this island has over my beloved Jamaica? What is it that keeps the world returning to Bali? Having toured a lot of the island, I observed that it is not more beautiful than Jamaica, nor is the [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]infrastructure[/COLOR][/COLOR] of this past Dutch colony well maintained and the food not as tasty as ours. There is considerable pollution of their rivers from debris and the Indian Ocean is not as clear, warm or as blue as the Caribbean.
    I came to the conclusion that it is the people - they are predominantly Hindu - 86 per cent of the population with the remaining 14 per cent being Buddhist, Christian and Islamic. They are truly gentle, kind and sincerely desirous of serving their visitors well - they take one's displeasure with anything in Bali personally.
    Artisan skills
    Additionally, their artisan skills are exceptional and they have honed their craft using their own natural resources like the coconut and seashells, batik work on sarongs and other materials. The design, finish and [COLOR=orange! important][COLOR=orange! important]presentation[/COLOR][/COLOR] of all the pieces I saw were outstanding even from the most modest in a small community.
    Having travelled the world, I can say that Jamaica is the most beautiful "mine eyes have ever seen" ... only that we need to urgently address security issues and our often aggressive communication attitude experienced by many of our visitors and even towards Jamaicans, as well as recognise that the desire to please and serve well is not being servile.
    I am, etc.,