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Stepping up 'eena' life

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Assasin View Post
    Is there anything as "overstaffed"?
    Last time an mi gwaan!

    Do not look at one little piece - look at the whole! Sooooo if you think the entire whole is overstaffed then tell Brucie fi fiyah that percentage he thinks is part of the "overstaffed in each and every part that makes our whole"...and, run guh hide as the unemployment figures...damn - persons swell to "a mob" that tek tuh di streets a look fi fine im fi nyaam!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #17
      you see where you problem lies?
      • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Islandman View Post
        Bigger government is not a solution to an unemployment problem. It simply creates more waste. The solution to an unemployment problem is to grow the economy , create more incentive for investment and produce a more skilled workforce that can take advantage of the opportunities that will arise.
        So we are where we are...do you then advocate killing all the persons now living who are unemployed and those additional ones who will be coming into the ranks of the unemployed...while you await the quantity of investments and new jobs that are needed? ...and, the expanded support services (that costs money) that are needed?

        ...massa we are where we are...and, we must 'keep the lid on' even as we work during the intervening years to create more and more jobs and improve on services and infrastructure...

        ...that means among other things an increasing debt load taken on during the 'ongoing job creating years'!

        You can go along and believe the JLP nonsense about ignoring the reality of where we currently are...and, the unemployed and underemployed and our aging infrastructure - in need of upgrade and 'build out'/expansion - the present low production and dirth of new 'job creating entities'.

        Our reality is with us...and, no 5 years or 10 years during which the elimination of deficit budgeting shall or can occur ....unless either by 'forcing the people to riot and uprise'...and, then unleasing state sponsored murder/elimination to bring jobs and numbers coming into the workforce in some type of equilibrium.

        Normal...even accelerated creation of new enterprises while improving and maintaining the present ones...cannot...cannot in the immediate future (20 years-30 years) bring our workforce...persons of workforce age and jobs into sync. Those who tell us that and wants us to believe theywill make it happen are going to have to murder/eliminate many...and, force us to reduce reproduction of kids/lower the birth rate!

        Clearly class warfare has not disappeared in Jamaica or anywhere else for that matter,
        Thank you for coming awake!

        ...but the PNP likes to spout rhetoric suggesting that they somehow "care for the poor" more than the JLP. As far as I am concerned all that is words without works.

        Running up your mouth about five flights a day to Miami may make poor people feel good for a few days but what does that really achieve?

        As for my family and me, I do not consider us to have been poor by Jamaican standards so I don't know how relevant our situation is to the discussion.

        And by the way, I am not necessarliy saying that the JLP cares more for the poor either, I am saying that at least since independence thier policies have done less damage to the poor than the PNP.
        Well at least this is reasoned!
        I may not agree with all you say...but...WELCOME to reason!
        tease mi a tease yuh!

        ...we can always or at least at times agree to disagree!

        ...and, as an aside:
        On the gentleman who has saved that $500,000 on a salary of $25,000.00 there is some truth in what you say...hey who knows what is really needed to survive....and, what other support there may be from his family?

        Costs minimised by doing errands for him which would otherwise cost him...or, providing support in kind...or he remains 'active'/have all his faculties intact and remain lively and sprite/no illness...just go to bed on his 95th birthday and never awaken or just full of vigor and drop dead one day...or whatever????
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #19
          good going Omar Davis.

          That is what got us where we are today anyway.

          Each and every entity must be assessed and jobs cut in some and some may employ more. You didn't see that them need more people to finance tax regulations?
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Assasin View Post
            good going Omar Davis.

            That is what got us where we are today anyway.
            You are joking! You must be joking to bne making sense!
            ...unless you have once again forgotten that just a post or two above you had turned to the sensible path of 'linking' all actions - looking at the 'total' causes and effects?

            Omar found what he found! The current Finance of Minister is merely continuing on the journey. You may argue that Omar was a positive or negative influence...but, Omar could never be considered as being totally responsible for where we are as what he inherited - i.e. where we where when he inherited the mess he did (Yes! It was a mess - of unemeployment and under-employment - decaying infrastructure...etc., etc.) had somehing to do with options available to him.

            Each and every entity must be assessed and jobs cut in some and some may employ more. You didn't see that them need more people to finance tax regulations?
            Now you are talking! How can you put the first part above with this part? it shows inconsistency in...wondering around of your "thought process". You are, at the very least, taking into account the reality of "not putting people out of work". Well it goes much further than that as it must be - among a great many other things - about putting more and more of our unemployed and under-employed to productive work.
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Karl View Post
              You are joking! You must be joking to bne making sense!
              ...unless you have once again forgotten that just a post or two above you had turned to the sensible path of 'linking' all actions - looking at the 'total' causes and effects?

              Omar found what he found! The current Finance of Minister is merely continuing on the journey. You may argue that Omar was a positive or negative influence...but, Omar could never be considered as being totally responsible for where we are as what he inherited - i.e. where we where when he inherited the mess he did (Yes! It was a mess - of unemeployment and under-employment - decaying infrastructure...etc., etc.) had somehing to do with options available to him.

              Now you are talking! How can you put the first part above with this part? it shows inconsistency in...wondering around of your "thought process". You are, at the very least, taking into account the reality of "not putting people out of work". Well it goes much further than that as it must be - among a great many other things - about putting more and more of our unemployed and under-employed to productive work.
              Inherit from who KArl? When are you people going to MAN UP and get real? How come Omar isn't responsible? Who was MOF for 14 years? If yuh want I give furnish you with data when the JLP gov't left office .... no wait ... nuh you same one say the data may well be true .... but!!?
              "Jamaica's future reflects its past, having attained only one per cent annual growth over 30 years whilst neighbours have grown at five per cent." (Article)


              • #22
                Originally posted by Lazie View Post
                Inherit from who KArl? When are you people going to MAN UP and get real? How come Omar isn't responsible? Who was MOF for 14 years? If yuh want I give furnish you with data when the JLP gov't left office .... no wait ... nuh you same one say the data may well be true .... but!!?
                mi tell yuh areadi dat, for example, a family (Jamaica in the JLP 80s!) can be shown to 'do well' when only a few are doing well -

                Family of 10! ...has an income of U$1,000,000.00 per annum

                1 member makes U$800,000.00 per annum, another makes U$120,000.00 per annum and the other 8 have incomes of U$10,000.00 per annum each!
                The U$800,000.00 per annum person is innah im ackee!

                The U$120,000.00 per annum maker is cool...

                ....but, the other 8 are not so cool!

                The JLP had things going on somewhat similar! ...and, many were ...so the JLP reaped

                You really do not think the JLP were booted out of office because the majority were happy? ...do you?
                "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

