is everything Mo? You know whenever I come around my first posts always has to be in response to something you write. It's like a stimulus response I can't control it. - T.K.
Hey, when are they going to get you some Energizer batteries or something? Whatever they have you on is just not working out too good. These two month downtimes is ridiculous!!!
Hey, when are they going to get you some Energizer batteries or something? Whatever they have you on is just not working out too good. These two month downtimes is ridiculous!!!
Summer time is my really busy months. Between camps, my own teams and work I get swamped to the point that when I come home I just want to lay down and go to bed. Now that things have slowed down to a crawl expect more from me when my alkalines recharge. Hehe..... - T.K.
Summer time is my really busy months. Between cramps, my own teams and work I get swamped to the point that when I come home I just want to lay down and go to bed. T.K.
Yuh call spending all that time with your probation officer as busy time?
Winning means you're willing to go longer, work harder, and give more than anyone else - Vince Lombardi