Doubt is being expressed about the Government's ability to fill the $15 billion deficit in the 2007/2008 Budget.
Opposition Spokesman on Finance, Dr. Omar Davies, has poured cold water on the Government's plan to mount a vigourous revenue collection drive.
According to Dr. Davies, the plan is unrealistic.
Speaking Tuesday in Parliament, Finance Minister Audley Shaw, announced that as part of measures to reduce the deficit the authorities will be trying to rake in more tax revenues.
But later on Beyond the Headlines, Dr. Davies said the revenue enhance measures will not be met.
He said tax agents were already facing challenges meeting the revenue targets which were set at the start of the financial year.
Other measures to be pursued to reduce the deficit include cutting expenditure on certain projects, freezing some tax waivers and transferring $2.8 billion from the Universal Access Fund.
The Government is forecasting that the measures will contribute $8.3 billion in revenues and reduce expenditure by $1.5 billion.
Opposition Spokesman on Finance, Dr. Omar Davies, has poured cold water on the Government's plan to mount a vigourous revenue collection drive.
According to Dr. Davies, the plan is unrealistic.
Speaking Tuesday in Parliament, Finance Minister Audley Shaw, announced that as part of measures to reduce the deficit the authorities will be trying to rake in more tax revenues.
But later on Beyond the Headlines, Dr. Davies said the revenue enhance measures will not be met.
He said tax agents were already facing challenges meeting the revenue targets which were set at the start of the financial year.
Other measures to be pursued to reduce the deficit include cutting expenditure on certain projects, freezing some tax waivers and transferring $2.8 billion from the Universal Access Fund.
The Government is forecasting that the measures will contribute $8.3 billion in revenues and reduce expenditure by $1.5 billion.