Both ISSA and Wolmer’s Boys School have agreed that many of the issues raised by Wolmers’ Boys School are worthy of consideration and further review. ISSA is therefore committed to ensuring that clarity is brought to our various competition rules for the 2016/2017 season.
From Wolmer's
We appreciate the fact that ISSA's Competitions Committee has recognized the ambiguitty of the rules and that the ruling can be deemed as one's interpretation of the Handbook. Going forward, we hope all parties would have been, a good football year. We thank ISSA for recongnizing the validity of our complaint and the need for such discourse as we look into the future of the game.
Both ISSA and Wolmer’s Boys School have agreed that many of the issues raised by Wolmers’ Boys School are worthy of consideration and further review. ISSA is therefore committed to ensuring that clarity is brought to our various competition rules for the 2016/2017 season.
From Wolmer's
We appreciate the fact that ISSA's Competitions Committee has recognized the ambiguitty of the rules and that the ruling can be deemed as one's interpretation of the Handbook. Going forward, we hope all parties would have been, a good football year. We thank ISSA for recongnizing the validity of our complaint and the need for such discourse as we look into the future of the game.