Originally posted by Time
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The best ISSA can do is to set limits on the number of transfer players that can be on the field during a match. 3 to 4 maximum transfers players on the field seems reasonable to me. They could also set age limits for 5th formers, set academic standards for 6th formers. .
I have always had questions on whether or not - a) it was fair or morally right...to deny any child at a school the right to vie or and qualify to represent the school; b) ...and then there are the 'twin evils' of i) encouraging both administration and the students to not strive for ever improving standards, ii) ...and what appears to be inculcating a belief that failure to perform at top level is acceptable - certainly questioning self-worth is being embedded at subliminal levels?
It is a wrong message to send to our impressional children that doing less than one's best is A-OK! ...that should not be 'taught'. Our kids are talented...talent abounds. They should as right be given excellent tutoring in excellent 'education labs'. It is a right!