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Mr Seaga its time to come sit at the table with the RBSC

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  • Mr Seaga its time to come sit at the table with the RBSC

    It has reached critical mass and from when mi no see you link me back pon the formula mi send you and mi see you eat a nice food offa cash plus with it but like I told you its for the children my LORD!

    Now after repeated attempts to contact you mi ago buss the secret

    Hi Miss Rochester I have since joined forces with the Jamaican Awareness Non Profit Organisation here in California and they are now the one's taking charge of the proposals I had sent to Mr Seaga.

    They are currently looking into working with Ras Aston Black and his Brand Trelawny project. However Mr Seaga was the first and only person to invite me to a meeting to talk about my proposals and so I would be very ungrateful if I didn't return the favor he did for me. (My mother and Grandmother didn't raise me that way plus we all can benefit from this)

    You see Ma'am to have the former Prime Minister of Jamaica and Finance Minister respond to your proposal is something out of a dream and the boost of confidence it gave me was immeasurable.

    Before you pass this email onto Mr Seaga please take the time to read the proposals and provide me with any feedbacks that you might have.

    I appreciate you taking the time to help plus I value your feeback as I have learnt that one of the most important thing a man can do is LISTEN to the opinion of a woman, as that is one of the first step towards growth.

    I see where Mr Seaga is now the head of the NPL clubs association and I know that I have something that could be of help to him and our football.

    Football is my passion and has been since I was a student at Cornwall College during our heydays in the early 80's when we not only won the DaCosta Cup but beat a star studded St Georges College team(with the Zaidie brothers and Ziggy) in the Oliver Sheild.

    Its time to look beyond the shores of Jamaica for sponsors as it is in fact a global world that we are living in today and I have sponsors that ARE INTERESTED in branding their product from Jamaica.

    In fact isn't their a concert in Tivoli Shortly? The Hurricane affected Champions in Action stage show? So lets use that show as a branding/marketing tool for the NPL. How about having our artists wearing the Jerseys of the respective NPL teams on stage and also in their various videos? How about having them take pictures in the jerseys so that the next time flyer designers need pics they use the shots of the artists in the NPL jerseys..

    Next time we see a Jersey wear affair dance it should be our NPL jerseys on display and our website to purchase them from(by the way we need female seamstress to cut for the women as they want shape fitting jerseys and not those boxy looking thing)

    take a look at this website http://www.selfreliancediscount.com

    I bought this site for $200 and all I have to do is market and promote it and the products are drop shipped worldwide so why can't we do the same with our NPL Jersey's made right here in Jamaica?

    The dollar potential in sales to the overseas diaspora market has already been proven by PUMA. However the market extends beyond just the diaspora as we are the trendsetters and so whatever we wear others follow.

    Dont we too have sewing factories where our women and young men in the garisson communities can be taught how to not only sew but to market on the internet? (if we can sew for Hillfigger then why not for us?) Thus our music and culture will indeed be our saving grace as we envisioned with brand Jamaica? In today's "fair wages" environment the made in Jamaica is in fact a brand that can command premium dollars.

    Who is to say we can't? Marcus Garvey whom Mr Seaga is always quoting tells us that without confidence we are twice defeated in the race of life.

    As a man thinketh so is he and if we think that we can't then we will never ever be able to do anything. Our mind is what is holding us back as we lack belief in self. If we believe then we can achieve(I got that from a former associate who used to say it all the time)

    Now instead of talking we will be doing and leading by EXAMPLE.

    If Mr Seaga is serious about finding funds for the NPL teams then I am serious about marketing and promoting the NPL as I BELIEVE that we have a product that the world wants. We see how much the MLS is willing to pay for Branding(with Brand Beckham) so which guy is more than us?

    I believe that our NPL clips should be on youtube.
    I believe that every NPL team should not only have a website but can start off with a Myspace page http://www.myspace.com/cdfreakmusic after all its FREE advertisement on a global level so why not?

    What does an African player have over our players when we are both Africans and we have the speed and fight just as much if not more? We need to market and promote our brand and if you look at my myspace page you will see Jermaine Johnson and Luton Shelton's on my friends list.

    Didn't Mr Seaga sell Jermaine Johnson to Bolton Athletic Club in England for 1 million pounds? How much did the Ghanian Micheal Essien cost Chelsea?
    Why aren't our musicians being approached to invest in our football clubs?

    Myspace(and other sites out there) are free and it can be done so just say the word and the new non profit organisation (Cry Fi Di Youths Foundation) along with the Jamaican Awareness Diaspora group will gladly stop talking and start doing. The Reggaeboyzsc.com site draws thousands of visitors daily and has a shopping cart at the ready to sell NPL jerseys.

    In fact we were the first to sell NPL jersey courtesy of our late member Courtney "Big Man" Livingston. For too long we have been on the outside looking in. Now its time for all of us to start working together.

    BTW the Nesta Brand clothing line on my myspace friends list is something along the lines of PUMA. Its a lifestyle clothing company that is reggae affiliated and the reggae artists Spragga Benz is involved in that company.

    The man is a visionary and so just imagine Tivoli wearing the brand along with local clothing lines made right there in Jamaica. In fact Pulse caribbean the modelling agency(Kingsley Cooper) is right there in Kingston and they too have a concert and caribbean fashion week modeling show. I think they would be VERY interested in using the "formula" (Miss White over at Pulse was very interested when I spoke to her last)

    I do consulting sales rep for Nesta Brand(very smart people as they know the way to the streets and to fame and fortune like LRG flows through someone who has the streets and that would be yours truly) and I know that they do US $5 million yearly in sales in Japan but only $100,000 US in the United States. They are trying to get a foothold in the states and so they need a Jamaican validation much like how LRG used a Jamaican owned store called New York Looks here in California to launch them to fame and fortune.

    Just for your info I have at least 5 Trendsetter stores that I have relationship with from San Diego to LA to Riverside to Las Vegas to Missouri to Ohio. Plus vendors at all the major reggae shows. Whatever those stores carry others follow. The road to being the next MAJOR lifestyle brand in california flows through Shatta Cleve and I am offering that service to the NPL.

    Did I mention that just in Southern California alone a brand getting a bus through the my collection of stores can do upwards of $10 million dollars a year? yes you read correctly

    How much is the NPL/Tivoli FC looking for in sponsorship and by when? I assist in the marketing department and so armed with paperwork for Tivoli FC I can approach the marketing team of Nesta( and if they say no then Live Mechanics another clothing company stand at the ready) and present any proposal that you might have.

    It would be beneficial to both parties so why not? Cry Fi the Youths Foundation is also partnering with online sites that can stream not only reggae concerts but NPL games worldwide. The choice has now been narrowed down to two prospective partners and by next week we should have up a site with the potential to show games live from Jamaica on your desktop anywhere in the world

    Its worth a shot take a look at their site http://www.nestajapan.com I will be with them in Las Vegas next week at the Magic Trade < Showhttp://show.magiconline.com/magic/v42/index.cvn >

    and I think sir thats a place you might want to visit to see the REAL potential of Brand Jamaica plus understand more that they NEED us more than we need them. Sponsorship in Jamaica is penny on the dollars.

    Our organisation stand at the ready to help the NPL all we need is the go ahead from you sir and we will be there.

    Copied are members of the reggaeboyz supporters club a worldwide organisation that stands ready to assist Jamaica football
    please visit us on the web at http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com and feel free to engage us in dialogue about moving the NPL forward.

    The ideas you find in these proposals are a COLLECTIVE of various ideas expressed on that site and others over the years. I am sure you will appreciate the can do attitude of most of its members and the passion for not only Jamaican football but anything having to do with uplifting our country.

    see you on the site soon

    The prodigal son has returned(a wah dem hear bout?)

    Just a reminder that its not a matter of if these ideas are going to be put into action , but just a matter of when and with whom. The early bird catches the worm. We will never stop or give up, we just don't know how.


    Office of the Distinguished Fellow <odf@uwimona.edu.jm> wrote:

    Shatta Cleve

    I have forwarded your email to Ms. Olivia Grange.

    Best wishes

    Karen Rochester

    From: Shatta [mailto:shattacleve@yahoo.com]
    Sent: Wednesday, May 30, 2007 11:25 AM
    To: Office of the Distinguished Fellow
    Subject: Re: Meeting with Most Hon Edward Seaga

    Hi I do realise that Jamaica is gearing up for elections and so my proposal might be overlooked.

    Was there any response from Ms Babsy Grange? The Leimert Park district in the heart of the black community is ready to have an outdoors concert to draw people back to the district as the black community is in danger of losing the only black business district in california .

    The reggae show I am proposing in Jamaica can be a small or midsized one. The important thing is to capture the imagination of the fans and potential consumers with something different.

    Just think the tourism potential of tapping into the affluent African American market in general and the religious market in particular.

    With our tourism floundering this would be a major coup for anyone involved.
    Would Mr Mike Henry be interested in a concert like this? Maybe he could assist if Miss Grange is busy.



    Office of the Distinguished Fellow <odf@uwimona.edu.jm> wrote:

    Thanks. I will forward this email to Ms. Babsy Grange.

    Best wishes

    Karen Rochester

  • #2
    The rough draft of the formula i sent to mr Seaga to assist the NPL gather sponsorship.

    The reggaeboyz supporters club have a non profit organisation but everyone seems to prefer WORDS over WORKS.

    So here it is for anyone who can assist to take it and run with it. I am through with all this crap. I have a family to feed and since everyone is out for self then so too am I

    by the way check out this WEBINAR its a must!!!!


    In a dem times yah one have to stay pon top of things

    Proposal for Reggae Boyz Benefit concert

    A concert to be held in a venue holding at least 10,000 people with artists to be drawn from the local fraternity including roots and dancehall. Artists should be backed by a live band to enhance the value of the DVD.

    Venue should be well lighted and the show shot by professional camera’s with direction to get a feel of the show and not just the artists faces while they perform.

    Artists will donate time(and money if they so choose) with the intent to make money at the gate and on the back end with the sale of the dvd’s

    The main area of concern here is the promotion of the show with the right artists and the pricing of the ticket to get the maximum amount of patrons in the venue along with a good feel and vibes to the show.

    To put on the show of course we will need sponsors and in order to get the sponsors we have to first identify whats in it for them. Why should they sponsor us and what will they get from it. Here is where we have to go beyond they should do it because they have the money and because it’s a good cause. We want to give our sponsors a reason to feel good about their donation. Value for their dollar in maximizing their potential reach as far as sponsorship dollars go and of course good will with their customers.

    IN order to do that we will return to the dvd in a few.

    The show will be billed as blah blah presented by the REggaeboyz supporters club which should help to raise our profile with the football public and members of the football fraternity at home and abroad. Knowing me I would probably find someway to call it Repatriation 2010 road to Africa blah blah -J with Peter Cargill memorial, coaching benefit etc on the flyer somewhere. I just think the repatriation 2010 would catch a lot of attention on radio promotions. I can just hear it now. But that’s just me

    First we will have to identify the means of advertising which will take the bulk of sponsorship money.

    Identifying sponsors should be exhaustive and no stones should be left unturned as far as potential sponsors of this show goes. This will require thinking outside the box as far as going beyond the tried and true sponsors. No we are not going to bypass those sponsors but we are going to look beyond them for new potential long term partners.

    Our goal should be to look in every nook and cranny for sponsors that we will work with well beyond this show.

    After completion of the concert we should have enough footages to ensure the production of 2 DVD-5 which are the pressed(replicated) dvds with 2 hours of content. Runs from $0.50 to around $0.75 each. That includes full retail ready DVD. For distribution. Now not to be all over the place the selection of artists for this show will be very very important as even though it’s a benefit and we respect and appreciate artists giving of their time only a few have the clout to enable us to have a dvd that can continuosly sell well after the show. In other words we will need some artists that aren’t so mainstream in the dancehall community but are huge in Europe, Japan, and among the white masses etc.

    One dvd will focus on Dancehall and the other on Culture. I can assure you that Repatriation 2010 as a name will instantly sell it off here in the states and in Europe with the right graphic. We should not think that Whites will shy away from it because of the name as its my experience that the more authentic and firebrand it is the more they gravitate towards it.

    ON the dvd itself we can put aside 30 minutes of the DVD as add spots for potential sponsors in one minute increments so for each X amount of dollars that a sponsor gives they get X amount of time etc. etc. and we must remember to leave some time for ourselves in order to push the club and our e commerce store.

    What we are going for here is the fact that nothing should leave our hands without benefiting us in all way shapes and sizes. We have 2 dvd’s and so we should have at least 1 hour to work with. There is also DVD-9 available with 4 hours of video capacity but that is something to think about and its only a few cents more.


    Sponsors such as Air Jamaica could visually present their product, Jamaica Tourist Board with over $20 million US in advertising budget should be able to fork out $5,000 for a 5 minute spot highlighting heritage tourism, eco tourism , sports tourism etc. I mean the possibilities are endless and its all up to our imagination. Lee Chin’s bank would be a good target as he seeks to go after remittances via money transfer. Guinness, Hotels such as Sandals could push their product. The PSOJ I am sure have companies that export who would love to advertise to a wide worldwide audience so I am sure we should be able to more than top the money needed to put the show on. IF the Jamaican companies aren’t enough what about VP? Plus local artists who pay upwards of $500US to irie fm to play their songs would gladly spend a G on an add as 2 dubplates and one booking overseas would more than cover the cost of advertising.

    I could go on all day about potential sponsors but we get the picture and let us not forget that our players are dabbling into music and Ricardo Bibi Gardner would be a good target as he has a recording label and a hot artists by the name of Erupt right now.

    Lennox Lewis is also dabbling in music plus let us not forget shipping companies, mortage companies and the likes overseas, Lawyers, accountants, immigration etc. etc. the list goes on.

    Advertising the show
    We have to advertise the DVD via the net in the way of posting clips on You Tube buying add space on popular forums which in turn will be the killing of two birds with one stone as that will in turn drive traffic to our site and to our e-store.

    We can also buy add space on DVD’s that are coming out such as Dancehall reggae.com popular Dutty Friday’s and Passa Passa DVD’s so as to build up the buzz for the release and of course let us not forget having a myspace page with video showing clips of the show etc. etc.

    I don’t want to hog the floor so the man dem can come forth now until later.b

    Seriously I want us to move on some Don King type level where we have everything covered financially before we make a move. In order to do that we want all potential sponsors to see a clear benefit and to have them jump on board for fear of losing out.

    Karl it’s a rough draft so no bodda with the school teacher thing mi know you.

    Potential Promotional spots that haven’t been approached yet.

    Golden Krust bakery in New York has just installed flat screens in their bakeries and I would love if this DVD would be the one to promote on the screens and also be sold in the stores with most of the proceeds coming back to a fund in Jamaica for the kids.

    Also our Airports and Cruise Shipping docks should be able to do something like this I mean all those visitors that pass through our ports are not only potential customers but captive audiences so why not have a screen in the waiting area of both departure lounges with the DVD being shown? How many visitors come to Jamaica yearly? If we only get one percent of over 2 million visitor to buy the product that will be 20,000 DVD’s being bought at $20 and not to mention if we get more.

    Why shouldn’t we be able to do that for our schools and our country? Who could possibly say no to helping the kids our future?

    I could go on all day about possible back end profits and benefits but I have been having these ideas in my head and once again I would have cast them to the sides but after speaking to you and hearing that the benefit was for chester castle and bickersteth primary school I realize that the ideas that I had didn’t come from me they came through me and that this is something that I was supposed to do. It had to be faith and I am more spiritual than religious and to be honest half of these ideas came to me while I was typing this proposal. It is larger than myself as for far too long I have been sitting around in the states feeling frustrated about whats happening in Jamaica and not doing anything about it.


    • #3
      It can and shall be done!
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4
        Beautifull Shatta

        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.

