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Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

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  • Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

    that when the man talk bout why hi find things easier outside of the NPL dem call him idiot.

    Instead of looking at the fact that he is extremely fast and a big field suits him better.

    Instead of looking at the fact that less Bushman fouls occur

    Instead of looking at the fact that the pitch conditions are much better

    Them just criticize the poor lad.

    Oh, him score two more goals today. Hope he stays injury free and is able to get signed by a bigger club. I am sure a lot of people are following Larson and have gotten the opportunity to see Luton. News will certainly spread.

    Imagine them say "we must have better to offer than him". Continue to make the country proud yute.

  • #2
    RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

    So we keep producing quality players. So nuff-nuff more talent deh bout to be given the opportunity to develop?

    So talent deh bout in ABUNDANCE...but, for the want of good leaders and thus the development of good coaches...hell...the institution of a PROGRAM by the JFF!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #3
      RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

      I notice from the other day that you a post with "biting sarcasm" and I will have you know thats my territory and I will not sit by while you infringe on it. Please stop throwing word on Princess and A.K.

      So are you saying that Luton is better than the phenom? Are you saying that Luton is one of the 25 Adu's in Jamaica.(which joker made that statement again?)

      How things cross your way boss? You start using the toll roads yet or you still a take the highway? You hold out pon principle or the time factor played a bigger part in you deciding to give the French Legion your francs.



      • #4
        RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

        What your boy said was stupid plain and simple. He said that international ball was easier than the NPL. That was just idiotic. Stop trying to dress it up like he qualified his statement with any of the so-called points you bring up.

        I am sure Luton has sincechanged his tune once he played that match with the US in the Gold Cup and didn't even get a sniff of goal much lessa shot off. It is one thing to score against Guatemala in the 10 matches we played against them that year but once he had to play against a half-ass international teamhe learneda valuable lesson.........international ball is a bitch.

        Onanother note glad to see himproducing for his club and starting on a regular basis. If hecontinues on this pace he will be in England inno time. He must be loving life when playing besides Larrson (sp?). I believe Larsson is one of the greatest complimentary forwards I have ever seen. A perfect compliment to Luton. How about anupdate on Teafore?- T.K.
        No need to thank me forumites.


        • #5
          RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

          While we all agree Wendell Downswell is not ready I give him alot of creditfor building the current player pool. I think he did a wonderful job in that department and that if it was not for him a number of players would not be in the professional set-up that they are now. - T.K.
          No need to thank me forumites.


          • #6
            RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

            It looks like you are reaching. He did state the difference in the attitude of the defenders, but of course you and the haters decided to pick out one sentence and focus on it. The fellow is not an idiot.

            Ok he had a hard time while playing with a sore hamstring. The fact is he still prefers the Intl game to the bumpy field, cane cutting league. You think is simply mad Keith Kelly went mad why he had a harder time while playing in the NPL? Or you think the quality of field, teammates and canecutters had something to do with it.

            Think carefully, no reflex reactions.


            • #7
              RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

              Man....you are the one who is reaching. I never once called him an idiot. I said what he said was stupid as the toughest international match he had playedat that timewas against Guatemala in a friendly. The man just did not know any better. In saying all that however I am thrilled to see him having so much success in Sweden. Out of pure selfishness I wish he had gone the Red Cows so that I could have seen him on tv week to week. Keeping my fingers crossed that his good form continues and we see him in the EPL come next year.

              To be honest in regards to Keith Kelly I have my theories of why he fizzled out but I am not really in the war mood today as certain man de pon de boardwill get vex and start call mi all kind a name.

              You do however bring up good points regarding the cane cutters, quality of field, teammates etc.,etc., impacting a player's experience in the NPL.- T.K.
              No need to thank me forumites.


              • #8
                RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

                <DIV>Listen, I saw him week in week out struggle to make a mark in the NPL. How many goals he scored in his last season? Meanwhile, in international matches, whether for club or country, he always got, at the very least, good looks at the goal. Even in the England match di youth stood out. </DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>Had he not already proven his potential in international matches, few coaches would have selected him on the seeming quality of his form in the NPL.</DIV><DIV></DIV><DIV>There was nothing stupid, silly or ignorant in what he said. (Not saying you or anyone said it, just a general statement by me.) </DIV>

                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

                  Whatever the case I feel sorry for whoever has to make the striker selections for Jamaica in the future. Let's see....You have Shelton, Fuller, King, Ralph, Bennett as the ones firmly in the picture and then you have the bubble players, Dawkins, Burton, Millwood, Simmonds, Taylor, Fraser, Johnson, Sterling.........Talk about a headache. A good headache but one nonetheless as whoever you pick to start there will always be arguments for others to take their place. - T.K.
                  No need to thank me forumites.


                  • #10
                    RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

                    How yuh nuh mention di big man himself?! Wait till X wake up!

                    BLACK LIVES MATTER


                    • #11
                      RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

                      Keep talking Mo as from las' week I asked you to find another player hiding somehwere in the NPL who you can hook X up with and to this day you haven't come through for the man. You have poor X a still live inna de past holding onto the slightest hope that Onandi will suit up for the Reggae Boyz again. Mo it is time we find X a new striker to big up! Get to it man! You are his only hope. - T.K.
                      No need to thank me forumites.


                      • #12
                        RE: Poor Luton Shelton, Imagine

                        X say him see the Nandi potential in Newton Sterling.

