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Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

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  • Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

    The U10Bowie (MD)Firebirds, who stepped up in class to the National Captital Soccer League (NCSL), played their first game today. They fell 3-2 to the Crofton Vikings.

    Bad turned to good then turned again this timeto worse for the Firebirds who scored an own goal (courtesy of Little Matter) to give Crofton the lead. The 'Birds rallied to score two straight goals to go up 2-1 and seemingly a sure win. Then 2 straight lapses in left defense allowed Crofton to score twice to take the initiative and the win from the 'Birds.

    Little Matter came close to redemption after breaking away from the Crofton defense but he kicked just wide of an open goal. At that point the 'Birds were leading 2-1 and another goal would've probably been enough. Instead, the 'Birds have to lick their wounds until they play again Sunday Sept 10th.

  • #2
    RE: Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

    Good night Fact Finder, remember Jr has many lessons to learn, I hope he is not feeling down because of today's event.



    • #3
      RE: Little Matter's Firebirds Falter


      Better luck next time out... the upside is that young one has that to look forward to. Football's disappointments is a great opportunityto teach young Matter some life lessons.

      Keep up the support.


      Peter R


      • #4
        RE: Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

        Respect Peter R and Rockman. In losing, as you stated, there are lessons and we have told him about those things.Little Matter's team plays again today at 1:30. I'll let the forum know how it goes later this evening.


        • #5
          RE: Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

          I know you are helping the young man to keep his feet firmly on the ground. Keep the reports coming!
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            RE: Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

            Tell him to keep his head up Matter. Success does not come without some failure along the away. As Malcolm X said "There is nothing better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance the next time."

            Good luck today.
            "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


            • #7
              RE: Little Matter's Firebirds Falter

              Hail up Matter!

              I am sure he will be fine! There is nothing like getting a young person to understand that things seldom come easy. Too much success too soon can be bad. It is a prime time for you to reinforce that a scoreboard does not tell who the real winners and losers are. You can be on the losing side and come away with lots of valuable winning lessons.

              On a lighter note, it is not a debilitating loss like a loss to STETHS, or heaven forbid, a loss to Munro's U-16 team. But even then, you can be successful in many ways, including being the coach of DCup and Oliver Shield Champs, and much more.

              "Jah Jah see dem a come, but I & I a Conqueror!"

