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Find a new way, JFF-Observer West Column

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  • Find a new way, JFF-Observer West Column

    Find a new way, JFF

    A new term will start in the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) on November 4 at the Voting Congress to be hosted by the Hanover Football Association and it appears bar any last minute interventions that Horace Burrell will be returned as president.

    It will be interesting to see how many of the present executive members will be retained as in the divisive politics that is a feature of our football, oftentimes qualified persons get swept out of office simply because they supported the losing presidential candidate.

    It is almost certain that Horace Reid will be back as General Secretary and this will be a plus for the Federation. Reid is one of our brightest sports minds and was the backbone of the JFF when Burrell was in office.

    This is not to try to put down the work of the present General Secretary Burchell Gibson but Reid has proven himself to be a world classed football administrator and could one day take over the show.

    It is however time for the JFF to move away from the popularity contest that the race for presidency is right now. The process as we have it now open itself too much manipulation from outside influences or 'special interest'.

    It is time for the president of the JFF to be appointed by either the Institute of Sports of the Ministry of Sports and candidates apply and are interviewed by a technical panel.

    A history of involvement in football should not be the main criterion for the successful candidate but rather a vision of moving the game forward at both the local and international level.

    For too long the list of candidates putting themselves forward to be president of the JFF has been way too short and lacking in real quality.
    One of the reasons the list has been so short is that the job, save for frequent overseas trips, is not an attractive one to lure the bright minds in the corporate world.

    I am in full agreement with KSAFA president Stewart Stephenson and others who think the top football job should be a paid one and I will go further to say the pay package should be equal to a CEO of a major company including incentives.

    How many qualified candidates can afford to walk away from their jobs to run football for four years or more and have to dip into their own pockets? How many companies can afford to second their top tiered or even second tiered executives to run football?

    Not too many persons who are qualified to run the JFF or any sporting body in the island is as wealthy as Captain Burrell and so whether or not they can sponsor as many leagues as he can, should be a consideration.
    Not that Captain's kindness should not be lauded, certainly not but it will be interesting to see whether he will continue sponsoring the various leagues after he gets into power or will help the respective FAs to find other sponsorship.
    Last edited by Karl; August 31, 2007, 01:29 PM.
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.

  • #2



    • #3
      Thought provoking...but...
      Originally posted by Sickko View Post
      Find a new way, JFF

      A new term will start in the Jamaica Football Federation (JFF) on November 4 at the Voting Congress to be hosted by the Hanover Football Association and it appears bar any last minute interventions that Horace Burrell will be returned as president.

      It will be interesting to see how many of the present executive members will be retained as in the divisive politics that is a feature of our football, oftentimes qualified persons get swept out of office simply because they supported the losing presidential candidate.

      It is almost certain that Horace Reid will be back as General Secretary and this will be a plus for the Federation. Reid is one of our brightest sports minds and was the backbone of the JFF when Burrell was in office.

      This is not to try to put down the work of the present General Secretary Burchell Gibson but Reid has proven himself to be a world classed football administrator and could one day take over the show.
      How many officers are elected and the methods used?

      Who are the present office holders -

      President - Crenston Boxhill

      1st VP - George Evans (absent on leave?/or, resigned?/or just absent?)

      Secretary - Burchell Gibson

      Treasurer - Rudolph Spied


      depending on how it is looked at these others could be considered officers or no -

      Western Confed: Tomlinson
      South Central:
      KSAFA: Stewart Stephenson

      It is however time for the JFF to move away from the popularity contest that the race for presidency is right now. The process as we have it now open itself too much manipulation from outside influences or 'special interest'.
      How can public political office be removed or insulated from outside influence?

      If there is no way for the public or anyone ion the public domain to insert influence who then would the office holder serve? Narrow interest group or self?

      In any case, how do you go about removing public influence?

      It is time for the president of the JFF to be appointed by either the Institute of Sports of the Ministry of Sports and candidates apply and are interviewed by a technical panel.

      A history of involvement in football should not be the main criterion for the successful candidate but rather a vision of moving the game forward at both the local and international level.
      The Institute of Sports a quasi-government body?
      What of the persons directly involved in running the football? ...by-pass them? Remove the feeling and actual ability to steer the football in the direction they envision?

      For too long the list of candidates putting themselves forward to be president of the JFF has been way too short and lacking in real quality.
      One of the reasons the list has been so short is that the job, save for frequent overseas trips, is not an attractive one to lure the bright minds in the corporate world.

      I am in full agreement with KSAFA president Stewart Stephenson and others who think the top football job should be a paid one and I will go further to say the pay package should be equal to a CEO of a major company including incentives.

      How many qualified candidates can afford to walk away from their jobs to run football for four years or more and have to dip into their own pockets? How many companies can afford to second their top tiered or even second tiered executives to run football?

      Not too many persons who are qualified to run the JFF or any sporting body in the island is as wealthy as Captain Burrell and so whether or not they can sponsor as many leagues as he can, should be a consideration.
      I think it would be wiser to go with what was proposed here some time past -

      The football leaders select a COO and Managing Director/Secretary and pay both along with a full time CFO. Retain the present structure with the Parish and Confed leaders and the Officers being Board,
      Executive/Managing Committees.

      The paid officers i.e. COO, Managing Director/Secretary and CFO answering to the Board cum Executive Committe cum Managing Committee.

      The Chairman of the Referees' Committee and his Secretary should also be paid.

      Not that Captain's kindness should not be lauded, certainly not but it will be interesting to see whether he will continue sponsoring the various leagues after he gets into power or will help the respective FAs to find other sponsorship.
      ...or, will continue sponsoring leagues and at the same time work at garnering additional sponsorships for each league?

      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #4

        Your piece is more an opinion. It is certainly not a commentary.

        A slight bitternesss still shines through toward the GOOD Cap'n Burrell. But that's expected.

        Shame that you should even question if this gentleman:--"will continue sponsoring the various leagues after he gets into power, or will help the respective FAs to find other sponsorship".
        The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



        • #5
          How many FA head get paid? Just a question
          • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


          • #6
            tell me what is the difference between an opinion column and a commentary?

            and this column IS AN opinion piece if you were not aware...
            Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
            Che Guevara.


            • #7
              das what a sayz sickko!!

              ...an i doh feel like going into no journalistic debate wid youh.

              Iz friday, an I just wah guh 'ome an jink a Amstel lite... an watch tb.
              Last edited by HL; September 1, 2007, 12:33 AM.
              The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough


