The other day I was showing you
Some stats I got from le
Nouvelist.haity oldest paper.
B4 2010 earthquake.
2:1 jamaica v haiti
*They meet
around 30+times.A couple
Ties.jamaica won 18&
Haiti won 9.We also has
A better winning stats
Than cuba/trinidad our
Two arch rival.A better
Stats than curacao I recently
Found out.We had beaten
Every team in the region
Except fr guyana which is
Not apart of fifa but fr federation.
Some stats I got from le
Nouvelist.haity oldest paper.
B4 2010 earthquake.
2:1 jamaica v haiti
*They meet
around 30+times.A couple
Ties.jamaica won 18&
Haiti won 9.We also has
A better winning stats
Than cuba/trinidad our
Two arch rival.A better
Stats than curacao I recently
Found out.We had beaten
Every team in the region
Except fr guyana which is
Not apart of fifa but fr federation.