Two things are looming which could influence whether Bora is retained or not. For one, there is the imminent return of Captain Burrell to the seat of power in the JFF. Then depending on how the stars line up, there could be a new government in the seat of power in Jamaica.
For those of us who forgot, the current PNP government had committed to putting up a certain amount of money to help pay coach Bora's salary. Now, consider if the the JLP is voted into power on August 27th and Bruce Golding decides that he does not support money from the public purse being used to fund the salary of a football coach. A situation like would leave a Captain Burrell's administration with two options.
The first option is that he could seek if he could secure some private sector companies to take up the short fall of funds needed to keep coach Bora, a fund to be called "The Keep Bora Fund or simply TKBF". If this fails to materialize, the second option would be to consider canceling Bora's contract by mutual consent and then the good Captain could look to bringing in a new coach at a more affordable rate.
From my understanding, Rene Simoes had a huge interest in returning as coach of the Reggae Boyz and was very persistent in getting the word to the right folks through his agents, although many here might remember reading in the press that he intimated that it was the JFF who was chasing him. The fact of the matter is that Rene is more than willing to return even for a fraction of what Bora is being paid right now.
So as things sit right now, Boxhill is dejected and may consider turning over the reigns to anybody by Sunday. The good Captain Burrell is excited and just licking his chops and waiting in the wings. Coach Bora on the other hand is sitting on the edge of his seat and as my good friend HL would say, his suit case is packed and his car full of gas with a plane ticket in his glove compartment. The good old Rene is also keeping an eye on situation and secretly wants to see his good friend Portia lose the elections on the 27th. He would then hope that the new government would not honor the agreement to fund the coach's salary, thus reopening the door for him to walk back right in.
Right now Rene is keeping his Rolodex close by and he is making sure that he touch base with the people he knows can influence his return at short notice. It will be interesting after the dust has settled to see how this one pans out.
For those of us who forgot, the current PNP government had committed to putting up a certain amount of money to help pay coach Bora's salary. Now, consider if the the JLP is voted into power on August 27th and Bruce Golding decides that he does not support money from the public purse being used to fund the salary of a football coach. A situation like would leave a Captain Burrell's administration with two options.
The first option is that he could seek if he could secure some private sector companies to take up the short fall of funds needed to keep coach Bora, a fund to be called "The Keep Bora Fund or simply TKBF". If this fails to materialize, the second option would be to consider canceling Bora's contract by mutual consent and then the good Captain could look to bringing in a new coach at a more affordable rate.
From my understanding, Rene Simoes had a huge interest in returning as coach of the Reggae Boyz and was very persistent in getting the word to the right folks through his agents, although many here might remember reading in the press that he intimated that it was the JFF who was chasing him. The fact of the matter is that Rene is more than willing to return even for a fraction of what Bora is being paid right now.
So as things sit right now, Boxhill is dejected and may consider turning over the reigns to anybody by Sunday. The good Captain Burrell is excited and just licking his chops and waiting in the wings. Coach Bora on the other hand is sitting on the edge of his seat and as my good friend HL would say, his suit case is packed and his car full of gas with a plane ticket in his glove compartment. The good old Rene is also keeping an eye on situation and secretly wants to see his good friend Portia lose the elections on the 27th. He would then hope that the new government would not honor the agreement to fund the coach's salary, thus reopening the door for him to walk back right in.
Right now Rene is keeping his Rolodex close by and he is making sure that he touch base with the people he knows can influence his return at short notice. It will be interesting after the dust has settled to see how this one pans out.