Miguel Coley believes managing talent is Jamaica’s biggest weakness, NOT A LACK OF AMBITION.
Speaks volumes how he asses the state of Jamaicas football compared to Tappa. He hit all the primary variables. Basically the onus is on the so called professionals, coaches, clubs, administrators etc. Any idiot dismissing our talent to lack of ambition has a preconcieved negative bias of our capabilities, which makes that person harmful, if he/she is running a national program.
At least clueless.

Speaks volumes how he asses the state of Jamaicas football compared to Tappa. He hit all the primary variables. Basically the onus is on the so called professionals, coaches, clubs, administrators etc. Any idiot dismissing our talent to lack of ambition has a preconcieved negative bias of our capabilities, which makes that person harmful, if he/she is running a national program.