Coaches, yuh think anybody in Jamaica can do this ? I listened to Tappa press conference post Panama and USA , di bredda clueless.The man bawl bout im midfield and didnt have a clue how to fix it. It didnt occur to him that changing it ever game could be a part of the problem .2nd our style of play is a recipe for disaster,its been two years Tappa has been playing this slow build up from the back to attack.It struggled through out this past Gold Cup and got blown out of the water when the USA jumped on us.Its easy to counter ! all you have to do is pressure the midfield ( which we dont have )
and defence and Jamaica(we) are in trouble. The USA gave concacaf the blue print on how to whip our asses. We conceed too much of the field. It wont work on the road in central america against any of the Top teams and the USA.Memba mi tell yuh.