With that AUFC team, you exceeded expectations. The MVP of your '18 Championship team was Almiron, and he's gone. AUFC had a "2 headed monster" with Almiron & Martinez. Pity was expected to fill that opening, but he didn't come close - he scored less goals & had less assists, which also affected Martinez production, and Almiron is far better defensively, helping to break up or slow down the opponents attacks.......You better hope the new CBA deal increases the salary cap & adds another DP spot or 2, which would really help you, because Gressel is out of contact, at the end of the season, plus, you need to hope that Nagbe doesn't push for a move to Columbus.......Saw reports that MLS made an "irresistible offer" to River Plate (who needs money) for Juan Fernando Quintero, who they said contributed to Pity's success at River. About 3 MLS teams, including AUFC, are interested Quintero, and I'm sure he'd be a DP signing.