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Omar Daley at Bradford!

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  • #16
    Defense midfielder, bus tackle nuff


    • #17
      Originally posted by Tilla View Post
      Eh, eh! I guess this will be your new song now?

      If you ask me, Daley can be a player worth having in the squad. He always gives 100%, is energetic and has some skills. My problem with him are twofold. First, his "energeticness" needs to be tempered with a little commonsense at times. Too many times you will see him create situations which puts his team at a disadvantage. My second problem with him is, he at times does not seem to think the game and therefore miss the big picture.

      Overall, he is getting up in age and I am not sure if you can teach an old dog new tricks. Remember the game against the USA in Carson SC, it was Daley who caused the team to be penalized because of a rash tackle on a USA player when it was totally unnecessary. In defending, he has the tendency of getting beat, then chasing down the player on the ball to execute one of his trademark sliding tackles. Sometimes they go across well, but most times, it is a toss up between a good tackle and the referee calling him for reckless play. As a defender/defensive midfielder, he needs to learn that the best tackles are executed when you are on your feet and can maintain balance or quickly recover your footing. A good skillful forward would have Daly eating vegetables all evening if he persists with letting a man beat him on the run, then deciding to give chase and slide tackle to win back the ball.

      I really do not see him as a "must start" like some folks. But then, maybe since he is playing in English D3 he has cleaned up his game some. . .

      It is an old song.
      When first sung many claimed I was mad. They said, "im? Wild! Rash tackling! ...and, on and on... including some

      Well this is what I saw...still not fully developed...and, I'll claim partly as a result of his too few quality matches - Stop-start-stop-start program and selection policy coming together to keep him low on quality match experience and in those quality match-learning situations - i) adequate speed; ii) good technical ability; iii) powerful shot in both feet; ability to make quality short passes and long passes; iv) fighter with attitude;
      v) team man. Needed guidance and teaching while the teacher works on him within creating team environment.

      This later working on him within creating team environment has all to do with creating greater appreciation for responsibility to teammates and TEAM and appreciation of role he could play/must play. Moving him
      from potentially good international player to being excellent international player.
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Karl View Post
        Midfield - trus mi bettah dan - would be making greater contributions than a certain 'maestro' the better the competition/higher the level of play!
        If you have to start Omar Daley in midfield.. yuh have serious problems in yuh selection pool.

        I can name bout 10 man that can start over Omar Daley in midfield.

        Di bess him can hope for is LB (overlapping)

        There are several better strikers and true midfield players before Omar Daley.. show respec' fi di Reggaboyz player pool.


        • #19
          I can name bout 10 man that can start over Omar Daley in midfield.
          Name 10 fi him deh Ben J?
          "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tilla View Post
            Name 10 fi him deh Ben J?
            Yes, Maudib, name 10!
            "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


            • #21
              Originally posted by Karl View Post
              Yes, Maudib, name 10!
              I never thought he could.
              "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran

