If you think Sane was Man of the match in that game then you
should look out for Rudolph the red nose reindeer this xmas.
Sane was playing for Sane FC. he did not use his mind once in the first half (that's all I watch) The team was compact and hard to break yet Sane played as if it was CP or Watford. Jesus saw this and made the pass to Debruyner to break the team. I really hope Jesus sits out the Chelsea game and leave the whole thing to Sane and David Silva. Notice CL teams are getting harder.
There is no Mendy to include Aguero and Jesus in the attack (via crosses). Jesus had to come to the middle in that game whilst Sane played his f$$ry.
I can't wait to see Sane go up agaisnt Madrid. Marcelo and Casmeira are better than him in every position on the field (except goal) and that says a lot. The team has no middle (well Debryuner has improved, must be using a personal coach). I'm not the only one who says this (an Italian told me the same since Jan.)