Where is bag of wire, he's nowhere around
He can't be found First betrayer who gave away Marcus Garvey Son of Satan, first prophesy
Catch them, Garvey wo-oh-oh
Hold them Marcus, hold them
prophesy fufill wo-oh-oh
Catch them, Garvey, catch them Hold them Marcus, hold them
Marcus Garvey, Marcus
Words come with a promisse wo-oh-oh
LOL, my apologies for going in your personal business (seeing I'm no psychologist As I said USAF time is nigh. You on the other hand should get yourself sorted out.
Quote: "milk for babes, meat for strong men". I just offered milk in the above, now go.
Lunacy and Idiocy seems to be your MO. Not everything is based on race. At times objectivity and logic prevails among sensible people.
You may be concerned about race or see race at every turn due to your deep seated psychological issues (can't help you there, I'm no authority in psychology), but there is life beyond your foolish fantasies/delusions.
There is a book now trending called "the hidden brain" (I know, it's as if I'm using profanities to you). The book's premise deals with what one does as opposed to what one says. It attempts to tackle racism, why the vote for Obama happened etc. This book may assist you to understand your behaviour towards Tappa and your inclination to see race in everything.
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