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Still waiting on that Zeppo post. . .

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  • #16
    The issue is it's a LIE! I have a problem with LIES!!!



    • #17
      OK then.

      All the teams the younger BoyZ encountered were full strength!

      (watch yuh blood pressure!)
      The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



      • #18
        Originally posted by Jawge View Post
        zeppo's badmind has no equal? Think that
        one over again mo. Slowly too LOL. Methinks there is one that is even superior to that of zeppo, woeeee.
        Heh, heh... Irony.


        • #19
          Your lying is congenital. Not your fault. At least I can tek someting for the blood pressure.



          • #20
            Originally posted by X View Post
            A question Zeppo is your honesty guided by your percieved lack of talent ? or is it lack of organization ?

            I am curious to know why you believe we wouldnt make it this far .
            Well, it's no secret that the whole ReggaeBoyz program has taken a bit of a nosedive over the past several years.

            Look at the men's team. From a World Cup participant in 1998, to a Hexagonal finalist in 2002, and then you failed to make the Hexagonal entirely for 2006.

            In the last year alone you have taken some serious poundings, too: England, Iran, losses to lightweight Asian teams, etc.

            And your youth teams haven't qualified for a major tournament since that U-20 WC back in 2001 or so.

            Now I jokingly called the Pan Am games a "poor man's U-20 World Cup". It was a wisecrack, but anyone who seriously thinks that countries like Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, Mexico, USA, Canada, etc. sent anything close to their strongest U-20 teams to the competition seriously needs their head examined.

            But still taking that into consideration, I was surprised by the ReggaeBoyz accomplishments at the tournament given their results over recent years, which I referenced above. And considering the pedigree of the competition they faced (weakened teams or not) I really didn't expect them to make it as far as they did.

            I hope I have explained myself.
            "Donovan was excellent. We knew he was a good player, but he really didn't do anything wrong in the whole game and made it difficult for us."
            - Xavi


            • #21
              Stop lying Zeppo. All the counries you listed sent full strenght football teams. Juss ax Mosiah.
              Last edited by HL; July 30, 2007, 12:22 PM.
              The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



              • #22
                Of course some teams didnt send thier full strength teams and some did , in the case of Brazil which can field 3 different teams at a time anyone being a full strength team , i wouldnt discount the talent they sent regardless of the age to any tournament , same with argentinia , Did ecudaor make the FIFA U20 finals ? If they didnt I would expect all that didnt to send a full strength team or a 2nd 11 to the pan am games, i see no other tournament in progress at the time the pan am games were on except the FIFA U20 .

                To dimish the Rbyz accomplishment is ridiculous, colombia which didnt make it to the FIFA U20 tournament must have sent a full strenghth side.

                Your point of lack of organization and program being in a nose dive has my full support , but make no mistake about it we were 20 minutes away from pan am gold , the 2nd most important tournament going on for U 20 s in the world and it was held in Brazil from the North ,Central , Carribbean and South america.In the most powerfull football nation in the world vying to bring the World Cup tournament home the next time it is bid to be held.

                Another point that you hinted to and that is with organization Jamaica can be a force in any tournament.

                "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                • #23
                  I really do not know why people are making such a big deal about under-X team was sent. For example, the tournament required an under-20 team to be sent. All players therefore were expected to be born no earlier than a certain date in 1987. It does not matter if the players are under-17, it means your team is a legitimate team in the under-20 competition.

                  Moreover, if you look at the team the USA sent, they may have been a B team, but they were no under-17 team!

                  Let us take a closer look at the ages of the players on the teams and it will give you a different picture. The player age distribution of some of the older teams were as follows:

                  Year Qnty Age
                  1987 - 2 (20 yrs)
                  1988 - 6 (19 yrs)
                  1989 - 7 (18 yrs)
                  1990 - 3 (17 yrs)

                  Year Qnty Age
                  1987 - 6 (20 yrs)
                  1988 - 7 (19 yrs)
                  1989 - 2 (18 yrs)
                  1990 - 3 (17 yrs)

                  Year Qnty Age
                  1987 - 9 (20 yrs)
                  1988 - 5 (19 yrs)
                  1989 - 4 (18 yrs)
                  1990 - 0

                  Year Qnty Age
                  1987 - 8 (20 yrs)
                  1988 - 7 (19 yrs)
                  1989 - 2 (18 yrs)
                  1990 - 1 (17 yrs)

                  Haiti - Genuine Under-17
                  Venezuela- Genuine Under-17
                  Colombia - Under-17 plus
                  Costa Rica - Genuine Under-17
                  Brazil - Genuine Under-17
                  Argentina - Genuine Under-17
                  Honduras - Under 17 Plus
                  Ecuador - Under 18

                  Average age of oldest teams in the competition:-

                  Mexico - 19.27 years
                  Bolivia -19.22 years
                  Jamaica - 18.88 years
                  USA - 18.39 yrs

                  The question should be why did the USA, Mexico, Bolivia not dominate the competition since they were not at an age disadvantage? They along with th Winner Equador could be considered genuine Under 20 teams, although Equador was a little younger than the four named.

                  Age information courtesy of the official Pan American Games site:

                  NB: Age was calculated on the year of birth, not by year and birth month.
                  Last edited by Tilla; July 30, 2007, 10:09 PM.
                  "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran

