Originally posted by Sir X
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Proof positive that you're an idiot! Re-read your rubbish; hopefully you'll realise how stupid you really are. Please explain how we will achieve WAGE PARITY and SQUAD VALUE PARITY without a positive net spend (it being understood that appreciation/depreciation basically are a wash). Secondly, you keep making ass-inine posts about "net spend" trying to make a linkage between "performance on the day" and the current "net spend" figures as if that's some validation with your stupid "more with less" mantra which (by your admission) will only get us to top 4.
I HAVE CONSISTENTLY SAID THAT WAGE AND SQUAD VALUE PARITY WITH CHELSEA, MANU AND CITY IS NECESSARY TO CONSISTENTLY CHALLENGE FOR THE TITLE - NOT EFFING TOP 4 YOU EFFING ASS!!! TOP 4 ASPIRATIONS IS FOR ARSENAL, EVERTON AND SPURS!!! REAL LFC FANS WANT THE TITLE YOU IDIOT. AND WE WANT TO CHALLENGE FOR IT EVERY EFFING YEAR!!!! Challenging every year is where City, Chelsea and Manu are and we will not be in their company without increased squad value and wage bill parity. PERIOD!!! That does not mean to say that we can't win a title - Leicester did, BR almost did it - but CONSISTENTLY means YEAR AFTER YEAR AFTER YEAR we have to be in the mix come May!
It is pretty obvious that with the continued deterioration of your intellectual capacity, you are proving that you're capable of doing less and less with less...consistently! Those are your ratings.