It is my opinion that the EPL has becomed diluted because of a serious drop in quality of beacon carrier Man U,it is now appealing to the many rats busy playing safely..
The brief history(sad turning point heralding a handful of years of lowering the bar..)is littered with a handful of indicators attesting to the very thing I am arguing.
We were woeful that season when it took goal difference to dethrone us,and if course the other club was marvelous depending on who is doing the talking,the beginning of the misconception.
Chelsea won with a team that spent a great deal of the opening season the following year dreading the real prospects of getting relegated.The year they won we were even more woeful than now.
Which brings me to today,we do not have a side yet there is a possibility we will make CL.
In our glory days,an EPL team making the finals of the CL is not unusual,some EPL clubs actually won the CL too,far cry from that today. You have to be a rat not to yearn for a return of Man U..,and we will for the sake if the league and the Queen's England.
Not at all, fifteen clean sheets and three matches loss speaks volumes, the weakness I saw is that Okazaki and Ulloa are not strong enough players to counteract and complement Vardy weaknesses, a player like Sturridge would be a wonderful improvement, he has done speed, can hold, he can pass and dribble in traffic and he is a superior finisher.