DETROIT: Abdul Amir Sahad, 36, was sentenced to 8 to 15 years in prison
for fatally punching referee John Bienowicz, 44, during a game last year in the
Detroit suburb of Livonia. Bienowicz was trying to eject Sahad from the game.
Sahad pled guilty to to the lesser charge of manslaughter in a plea deal. He was originally charged with second-degree murder.
At the sentencing hearing, Bienowicz's widow spoke and said she finally had the chance to do something her late husband could not. She pulled out a red card and held it aloft.
for fatally punching referee John Bienowicz, 44, during a game last year in the
Detroit suburb of Livonia. Bienowicz was trying to eject Sahad from the game.
Sahad pled guilty to to the lesser charge of manslaughter in a plea deal. He was originally charged with second-degree murder.
At the sentencing hearing, Bienowicz's widow spoke and said she finally had the chance to do something her late husband could not. She pulled out a red card and held it aloft.