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A 40 million pound striker unable to impose himself

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  • #16
    Focus: You said it was propoganda.

    For the sake of your credibility, prove it, you can add semantics and pontificate all you want .

    A. Yes - Provide proof

    B. No- Provide proof.

    He was worse than a third choice keeper at Bolton after having , one good season.( memba mi tell yuh)

    "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

    "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


    • #17
      You are a KLOWN! (Thanks Paul). So now he was "worse than a third choice keeper"... talk about semantics! That sounds like a retraction to me!!

      So you want me to do your "dirty work"??

      So anyone can post anything randomly, about anyone, and then challenge everyone to disprove it?

      FYI... NOWHERE have I found (and I'm not saying it doesn't exist) ANYTHING that says or even suggests Bogdan was THE third string keeper at Bolton. I see "demoted to second choice" but NOWHERE do I see third. If you have evidence that he was, then bring it forth!... no, not "FOURTH" which you probably would state to suit your biased agenda.

      Does the above scenario sound familiar to you BTW??

      My conclusion is therefore "propaganda" until you bring the evidence forward!
      Peter R


      • #18
        Not into the name calling this year,childish to be honest, what i find comfort in is that you found proof he was demoted to 2nd choice , and you find comfort in that you found that information but not that it led to him not being offered a contract , thus released and picked up by BR on a free transfer,i think third choice keeper or worse than is about right,wouldnt you agree that such a player has no place in a Premier league as a 2nd place keeper, in other words a monkey wrench.

        Its all to prove that you are right on an issue to pontificate, looking for the literally word, irrespective on the ramifications of the club hence the made up doctrine for unity to support alms house.

        You call me a Klown...hehe.

        "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

        "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


        • #19
          Originally posted by X View Post
          Not into the name calling this year,childish to be honest, what i find comfort in is that you found proof he was demoted to 2nd choice , and you find comfort in that you found that information but not that it led to him not being offered a contract , thus released and picked up by BR on a free transfer,i think third choice keeper or worse than is about right,wouldnt you agree that such a player has no place in a Premier league as a 2nd place keeper, in other words a monkey wrench.

          Its all to prove that you are right on an issue to pontificate, looking for the literally word, irrespective on the ramifications of the club hence the made up doctrine for unity to support alms house.

          You call me a Klown...hehe.
          Boss, 1. "Klown" is no worse than "pompous a$$" which you called me, so don't play holier than thou

          2. The above, which is your opinion I accept to the extent that it is YOUR OPINION regarding Bogdan. What I do NOT accept is your initial comment, which you parroted from a random commenter, that Bogdan was "THE third string keeper". This is a malicious (in the strict sense of the word) comment that you accepted and propagated as TRUTH. There is a difference!

          3. The reason I pursue this is also to DEMONSTRATE that YOU WILL SAY ANYTHING, including outright lies to denigrate the effort and character of a past manager, however successful or unsuccessful he was, misrepresent my "plausible" comment etc. You said, you checked it the poster's comment...did you? or is that A LIE? You have accused me/Paul of lying. So who's lying now?...

          4. I pursue it to DEMONSTRATE your HYPOCRISY. You accused Paul and me of making up the " If you don't support us when we lose or draw etc." quote which we OBVIOUSLY DID NOT, But you give yourself fair licence to do the same without ANY PROOF that Bogdan was a "third string keeper"? So it is okay for you to do the same? You are doing EXACTLY what you accused Paul and me of doing, and when you are called out... who comes with the semantics?

          5. I pursue it to DEMONSTRATE that YOU DON'T THINK FOR YOURSELF, but will take a quote from some random commentator and paste it in your thread as if it is gospel.

          6. I pursue it to DEMONSTRATE that you are NOT HONEST in your postings, and that your standard is a doubleXstandard.

          7. And I stand by my comment on retraction and apologising. Show me where he was third string and I will do so.

          8. Until then, yes, you are a Klown.
          Last edited by Peter R; January 9, 2016, 01:46 PM.
          Peter R


          • #20
            I want to highlight the ridiculous.

            *A championship keeper
            *Demoted to 2nd choice
            *Not offered a contract
            *Means he lost his position as 2nd choice
            *Singed by BR Liverpool FC- a football power house for free in the (Prem & Europe)
            *Singed as 2nd choice keeper in a football power house

            Your concern is ,he

            * Was never Boltons FC (championship club ) 3rd choice(literally)
            * Not a monkey wrench
            * I am spreading propoganda

            Mi belly,in your zeal to defend BR...hehe....Pontificate.
            Last edited by Sir X; January 9, 2016, 01:40 PM.

            "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

            "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


            • #21
              My zeal is NOT TO DEFEND BR, he was not perfect. You point out a signing that in two games has not shown what is expected and I SAID I ACCEPTED YOUR OPINION. My "zeal" is to demonstrate your doubleXstandards. You would cry down BR for a so far "failed signing" but not give him credit for the successful ones... BUT IT SEEMS YOU DIDN'T READ (so what else is new) my position... so here it is again... Read WHY I decided to "pursue" the matter re Bogdan... Try your best. SO here it is again

              Boss, 1. "Klown" is no worse than "pompous a$$" which you called me, so don't play holier than thou

              2. The above, which is your opinion I accept to the extent that it is YOUR OPINION regarding Bogdan. What I do NOT accept is your initial comment, which you parroted from a random commenter, that Bogdan was "THE third string keeper". This is a malicious (in the strict sense of the word) comment that you accepted and propagated as TRUTH. There is a difference!

              3. The reason I pursue this is also to DEMONSTRATE that YOU WILL SAY ANYTHING, including outright lies to denigrate the effort and character of a past manager, however successful or unsuccessful he was, misrepresent my "plausible" comment etc. You said, you checked it the poster's comment...did you? or is that A LIE? You have accused me/Paul of lying. So who's lying now?...

              4. I pursue it to DEMONSTRATE your HYPOCRISY. You accused Paul and me of making up the " If you don't support us when we lose or draw etc." quote which we OBVIOUSLY DID NOT, But you give yourself fair licence to do the same without ANY PROOF that Bogdan was a "third string keeper"? So it is okay for you to do the same? You are doing EXACTLY what you accused Paul and me of doing, and when you are called out... who comes with the semantics?

              5. I pursue it to DEMONSTRATE that YOU DON'T THINK FOR YOURSELF, but will take a quote from some random commentator and paste it in your thread as if it is gospel.

              6. I pursue it to DEMONSTRATE that you are NOT HONEST in your postings, and that your standard is a doubleXstandard.

              7. And I stand by my comment on retraction and apologising. Show me where he was third string and I will do so.

              8. Until then, yes, you are a Klown.
              Peter R


              • #22
                Originally posted by X View Post
                I want to highlight the ridiculous.

                *A championship keeper
                *Demoted to 2nd choice
                *Not offered a contract
                *Means he lost his position as 2nd choice
                *Singed by BR Liverpool FC- a football power house for free in the (Prem & Europe)
                *Singed as 2nd choice keeper in a football power house

                Your concern is ,he

                * Was never Boltons FC (championship club ) 3rd choice(literally)
                * Not a monkey wrench
                * I am spreading propoganda

                Mi belly,in your zeal to defend BR...hehe....Pontificate.
                I have no problem with your criticism of Bogdan or even of BR signing him. He is not doing the job at this moment... I did not defend BR's signings... what I took umbrage to is you using MADE UP "FACTS" to continue a campaign against BR. Campaign ALL YOU WANT, BUT DON'T MANUFACTURE FACTS!!!

                And clearly you are backtracking... See you comment above re "third choice literally" ~ you making up stuff and/or putting forth your opinion as a fact! My contention is that BR never hired Bolton's 3rd string keeper! YOU MADE or PARROTED a statement that put it out there as fact! You are really an inveterate hypocrite! Can't help you!

                Manufactured facts are "propaganda"... yes it is my focus, because you do this every time to promote a biased agenda!
                Peter R


                • #23
                  How can I not be honest when I have claimed my bias,voiced my bias,presented my bias,owned my bias ,stated that "I am biased "that said I have provided proof why I believe my bias is justified.

                  Your zeal is to defend BR and pontificate, and it cost you ,your credibility.The only denigrating going on here is you guys with the name calling,you simply cant defend yourself ,so you attack the messenger personally.
                  THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                  "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                  "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by X View Post
                    How can I not be honest when I have claimed my bias,voiced my bias,presented my bias,owned my bias ,stated that "I am biased "that said I have provided proof why I believe my bias is justified.

                    Your zeal is to defend BR and pontificate, and it cost you ,your credibility.The only denigrating going on here is you guys with the name calling,you simply cant defend yourself ,so you attack the messenger personally.
                    I TOTALLY understand your bias... I am NOT ACCUSING YOU OF BEING biased... we know you are... WHAT YOU FAIL TO UNDERSTAND IS THAT you back it up with a BLATANT LIE... something you accuse others of doing but cannot see it in yourself.

                    How have I attacked you personally?? besides calling you "Klown"... no different than "Pompous a$$", in fact a lot "nicer" IMO...

                    What you cannot deal with is caught in your own HYPOCRISY... if that is a personal attack, I don't take it back... sorry.

                    X: You guys use a quote that was never said, and can't find a source for, to fight me down... You guys made that up! Who said it?

                    PR: X, you using a "made up fact", that BR hired Bolton's 3rd string keeper, to use in your campaign against said ex-manager. You took that verbatim from a random poster to head up your thread... where is the evidence he was Bolton's third string keeper...

                    What's the difference? HYPOCRITICAL to rath nat...

                    You try to obfuscate by demonstrating why Bogdan was a bad buy... that's NOT THE ISSUE... IT IS HYPOCRISY!!! and :sidekick:
                    Peter R


                    • #25
                      Bolton the championship side didnt want di bredda ,apparently they found a better 2nd choice keeper, BR singed him up as a number 2, Pontificate on that all you want.
                      THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                      "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                      "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                      • #26
                        If you want to characterise my posts as "pontification", knock yuhself out boss I will continue to do so...

                        So you can't show me where I attacked you personally in this thread? I don't deny it possible happened in the past.

                        You can allow yourself the liberty to lead off your post with this lie? (as it will remain until proven otherwise): Adam Bogdan was the 3rd choice goalkeeper at Bolton and yet Brendan Rodgers thought he was good enough to be our 2nd.

                        And then you compound it with another lie: "i checked the blogger facts." (X, 2016)

                        You cherry pick posts like the above and spread lies, because they sound good and suit your bias! And then you preach at usPaul and me about lying?!? Go take a good look in the mirror star!

                        Every man is entitled to his opinion, no problem, BUT yuh lying on the man, HYPOCRITE!
                        Peter R


                        • #27
                          Lies ,you call it ,he couldnt make 1st choice, 2nd or 3rd so he left.....so he left on a free transfer,how do i know he wasnt offered the 3rd spot , i dont ,but as you guys like to say how can i prove it wasnt offered ..hehe

                          All that said you dont deny that the move was a monkey wrench ,its all to prove a point of being right to the point of labeling me a liar (yawn) ,then asking where have you attacked me personally,hypocryte and liar arent terms of endearment.Nothing is more hypocritical that not addressing that short coming ,the monkey wrench.

                          Bogadan was Bolton 3 rd choice keeper ,im neva want di wuk because BR offered him the 2nd spot,yuh get it .....DI BREDDA COULDNT MEK CHAMPIONSHIP SIDE BENCH AS # 2 muchless 3.
                          THERE IS ONLY ONE ONANDI LOWE!

                          "Good things come out of the garrisons" after his daughter won the 100m Gold For Jamaica.

                          "It therefore is useless and pointless, unless it is for share malice and victimisation to arrest and charge a 92-year-old man for such a simple offence. There is nothing morally wrong with this man smoking a spliff; the only thing wrong is that it is still on the law books," said Chevannes.


                          • #28
                            Liar and a hypocrite! Mi expose yuh straight! Hush... mi know it hat yuh suh yu waan focus pon Bogdan rada dan yu lying hypocritical ways..tek dat again ah yu fi repent!!
                            Peter R


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by X View Post
                              Bolton the championship side didnt want di bredda ,apparently they found a better 2nd choice keeper, BR singed him up as a number 2, Pontificate on that all you want.
                              So X, was Charles Itandje a great signing for LFC? What was his status at Lens before joining LFC, a first, second, or third choice keeper? And who signed him?
                              "H.L & Brick .....mi deh pan di wagon (Man City)" - X_____ http://www.reggaeboyzsc.com/forum1/showthread.php?p=378365&highlight=City+Liverpool#p ost378365

                              X DESCRIBES HIMSELF - Stop masquerading as if you have the clubs interest at heart, you are a fraud, always was and always will be in any and every thing that you present...

