Watching boys town vs UWI and I can say this anyone who speak of local players not included in the national team is disingenuous at lest. Poor poor poor.
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Please don't come around here and speak of ub40
OJ? It look like yuh a look chubble. Yuh did watch supa cup? di man dem have some wicked baala ah yaad.
On a serious note; I think the local clubs are coming around to the fact that the league is sub standard and the local players are lacking in comparison to the rest of their counter part world wide. This could be attributed to technology; where one is able two tabs then place them side by side. Thus one can watch RPSL and La liga at the same time. this forces one to say no, no, no we are no where near those guys. What can we do to improve.
Originally posted by OJ View PostWatching boys town vs UWI and I can say this anyone who speak of local players not included in the national team is disingenuous at lest. Poor poor poor.
The issue is putting in place a systematic development process....Thereby producing players who can improve club and national standards
One would have thought this to be obvious after 20 years of abject failure with unnu foolfool SnowBall
Look like unnu ah shoot fi 30 years of failure nextTIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007
Your argument changes slowly over time. The capt. won't be fooled anymore. When ever the JFF pack the team with local league and high school players; beatings start to pile up. What you guys do? Oh it's the coaching send back di Prof. ah Brasil him cyaan coach. Well prof. Simeos wanted to help and develop but the losses were too high (both financially and game wise).
Winnie not playing that game. he picks pros period. If you show some potential you may come sit on the bench and watch. The message is this: improve the standard of the league and stop relying the Rec league called Manning/Dcosta cup. Helloo?
Bu...bu..but Jawge, you just can't pack the side with local league and high school players for packing sake.. they have to be of a certain standard and I think Don is saying the systems aren't in place to ensure they are of the appropriate calibre...
The high school alone can't do it... sure, it's conduit and a source of talent, but then what?
What system(s) do we have in place? high school football season lasts barely three then what, man gawn play cricket? cah dat is what happen... if there is one (a system) in place, please inform me. Do the HS players move to a club? do the local RSPL teams have links with the schools? do they (RSPL teams) have age group teams that play in their own competition? I don't know the answers but if this is happening at least that would be the semblance of some sort of developmental system.
What really is the on the ground plan for football development as you understand it? I don't know of any.Peter R
For me it's simple. I look at the teams I have seen play, UWI, Cavaliers , humble lions, arnett ,Reno mbu and hview Other than MBU (wozrncraft,Dino Williams, and there is another player Gordon maybe and messi from cavaliers everybody else is far from a national team call up. I have not seen ottey lately, who I generally like. The quality as it is is poor. I am not talking about development of youngsters, that's a valid argument and I support that but I am saying from the current npl the cupboard is bare.
Peter some clubs are catching on (MBU comes quickly to mind). I always wondered why MBU so quickly dominated the local league. Now I know.
The local clubs should really focus on youth leagues if they want Euro scouts to come looking. Set targets saying by 18 all their players should be playing pro.
To spot talent hold futsal competitions for 7-12. When spot talent they don't play high school footbal. They remain playing within the clubs various youth leaguse (u14 up to u17) this means when the JFF say I want your player and dem go done ah team like Mexico, Arg., England or France, yuh phone ring and is Money Chelsea scout or Man city on the phoneYuh ting sort out right.
Poor habits, poor technique for example the average cross or even corner is looping like a rainbow where we demand it flat and driven I don't see this in our players because of too much scrimmage. This is an important skill, too much touches and slow ball movement this is poor fields . Playing with sweeper that's coaching stagnation. I won't even talk about tackling and group defending.
Originally posted by OJ View PostWatching boys town vs UWI and I can say this anyone who speak of local players not included in the national team is disingenuous at lest. Poor poor poor.
Don't get the opportunity to watch local games...but the few I see whenever I visit Jamaica is very painful to watch. I am sure there are a few rough diamonds...but......
Happy shopping Cap'n Burrell.The only time TRUTH will hurt if you ignore it long enough
I don't understand why there is an issue understanding basic reasoning, I am not supporting or disagreeing with the captain. Simply put I have seen all the teams in he league with the exception of port ore and Rivoli and its waste of time to fathom any of these players in the current World Cup squad with the exception of Dino and Wozemcroft and they are not even ready yet? The pool is not good. I remember Dicoy Williams at TFC and I thought where them get that from. Now I see it he is the best of a bad bunch...
Did you see Ricketts comments on Keepers? I understand Paul Campbell had the same opinion. There is talent but a lot of work to be done.
I believe adding Butler to the u20 team is a good as he has a lot of experience developing players so hope he has time. However we need a lot more camps focusing on different aspects of the game such as keeping, defending, goal scoring, ball possession, passing etc, and these camps needs to be regional.- Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
- Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Yuh ave nuh sense. Betta yuh leff dis aloneTIVOLI: THE DESTRUCTION OF JAMAICA'S EVIL EMPIRE
Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.
D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007