Like I said the USA Will never ever win a World Cup every other Concacaf team have a better chance of doing so trust me. This is not the Gold Cup & like I said before the Gold Cup & the help from the referies is doing more harm to them than any thing else they need to share the wealth & keep the Gold Cup in other Countries or they will never elevate did you hear the commentators laughing. This Argentina team was a old unfit team that has not been together for a long time & the USA has a team that is fully fit in thier peek form as it pertains to fitness as all these players are in a fresh season in the MLS & just coming off the Gold Cup. Did you know that the reasons why the USA has not taken up all the Copa America invitasions before is because the administration has said it will not be good for the sport in USA because they might get embarassed & set the sport back at home. Well they decided this year that if they do get embarassed so be it but they will use an excuse by using some players that they will say are not the first team players but just watch & see these players will all be the core of the USA qualifying for the World Cup. Big Bad USA pick on your size you should be beating Argentina by 3 clear goals the you guys brag. Hey I wonder if any USA supporters will call for the coaches head but like I also always say the one thing the USA has are very good coaches for thier system great goal keepers & money to keep these players fully fit even without the MLS & that is it this country is garbage as it pertains to soccer as they call it. Hey new info for you guys too did you know that even Eddie Jonhson is a Jamaican well his Parents & he played in the Jamaican leagues in Florida where he learned from all his Jamaican friends also De Guzman who plays for Canada played for Jamaica at the under 17 level but did not get a game every time he came from Canada to play so he decided to play for Canada he also played in the same leagues as DeRosorio who now owns the team he played for in the Jamaican league in Canada.
No announcement yet.
Big Bad Usa Like I said the USA
"Hey new info for you guys too did you know that even Eddie Jonhson is a Jamaican well his Parents & he played in the Jamaican leagues in Florida where he learned from all his Jamaican friends also De Guzman who plays for Canada played for Jamaica at the under 17 level but did not get a game every time he came from Canada to play so he decided to play for Canada he also played in the same leagues as DeRosorio who I spoke to last year when I was in Canada & he is actually Jamaican but they have his information as been from Gyana."
I would check that info. Not sure if any of that is true. DeRosario told me personally that he was Guyanese. Never mentioned a word about being Jamaican.
Yes, it is a known fact that DrRosario is Guyanese. I heard before about DeGuzman being of Jamaican ancestry. The Canadian website lists his father as Phillipino and his mother as Jamaican."Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran
No you are right he is Guyanese but he is more Jamaican in culture than most Jamaican's I know I was thinking of someone else I will post his information soon he is also Guyanese & Jamaican & was born in Canada wicked baller his name is also Dywane & he plays for DeRosario's team.Racist Zeppo Said "Against Italy? Sure. But keep in mind that's the reigning World Champion and not some chump Caribbean team we're used to slapping around in CONCACAF" Zeppo
Derosario is Guyanese. His father was big baller for guyana and also coached in Canada. Deguzman is the youngster who plays in LaLiga. His mother is Jamaican and father filipino but me no see no filipina de so. Yes Jamaica did not call him can anyone say Jerry Hue.
No they did call him he went to Jamaica & played with the under 17's but every time they had a real game they would not start him or even use him at all so he decided to go back to Canada & play for them. His younger brother only 19 also wanted to play for us but he went to Holland & he is a starter for one of the top teams there & they are offering him Citizenship so he may play for them or Canada it would be funny to have two brothers playing for two different teams.Last edited by Redz; June 29, 2007, 10:22 AM.Racist Zeppo Said "Against Italy? Sure. But keep in mind that's the reigning World Champion and not some chump Caribbean team we're used to slapping around in CONCACAF" Zeppo
Julian mom is Jamaican, is dad bobby is phillipino, I am not sure about the u 17 statement above as Julian played U20 but was not in the provincial program (similar to odp).He did want to play for Jamaica but the federation did not get back to them. Dwayne father is from guyana and TT.. Dwayne does have Jamaican connection through his enviornment and who he grew up playing with but I dont know of any Jamaican connection. But I too knew he wanted to but I am not aware how he would have. The issue here is all those players white and black you saw on that Canada team that I think showed a different type of ball in the Gold cup are prodical sons or guys who use to be in the wilderness because they did not fit the profile. Tall big boys who like to kick the ball away. These were what we would call ballers players who like to play with the ball but the establishment did not like them and after u 17 or u20 they were sort of in exile or forgotten. Thats why if you look at the age you see they are mostly 26-28 not young but one would wonder where were they before now and I can tell you they were in and out the program. Some played but not all played at the same time. You know how the token thing go. We will call Deguzman but not Atiba. ..
DeGuzman did play with our under 17's he just never got a start & was never used in the real qualifiers so he went back to Canada trust me even Carl Brown said it once when he played against Jamaica under 20's they wanted him. I would prefer Canada to use our players much more than the USA they do not disrespect us like the USA does & at least 7 players on that team are Jamaican. They also will help more grass roots players make big money because they are looking in the bush leagues like the Jamaican's leagues kind of like the Bronx league so they will get real good players from that not like the USA last World Cup the USA best forward was Jeff Cunningham but they never took him to the World Cup his accent was too strong he told his family that in Mobey trust me he would have made a big difference.Racist Zeppo Said "Against Italy? Sure. But keep in mind that's the reigning World Champion and not some chump Caribbean team we're used to slapping around in CONCACAF" Zeppo
Redz thats not True, Julian left Canada at 16 to France. He is from my previous club so take this not as fact but as someone who reasonalbe know the kid and his parents. At this time he was not part of the Canadian setup. He is a short kid mabe shorter than Jermanie Hue but powerful legs. He was being overlooked and at a camp with Chung Fah they broached the subject of him playing for JA. to which the now infamous words of winston was.. I can find one of him on any corner a Jamaica.Last edited by Karl; July 1, 2007, 06:16 AM.
Originally posted by Redz View PostLike I said the USA Will never ever win a World Cup every other Concacaf team have a better chance of doing so trust me. This is not the Gold Cup & like I said before the Gold Cup & the help from the referies is doing more harm to them than any thing else they need to share the wealth & keep the Gold Cup in other Countries or they will never elevate did you hear the commentators laughing. This Argentina team was a old unfit team that has not been together for a long time & the USA has a team that is fully fit in thier peek form as it pertains to fitness as all these players are in a fresh season in the MLS & just coming off the Gold Cup. Did you know that the reasons why the USA has not taken up all the Copa America invitasions before is because the administration has said it will not be good for the sport in USA because they might get embarassed & set the sport back at home. Well they decided this year that if they do get embarassed so be it but they will use an excuse by using some players that they will say are not the first team players but just watch & see these players will all be the core of the USA qualifying for the World Cup. Big Bad USA pick on your size you should be beating Argentina by 3 clear goals the you guys brag. Hey I wonder if any USA supporters will call for the coaches head but like I also always say the one thing the USA has are very good coaches for thier system great goal keepers & money to keep these players fully fit even without the MLS & that is it this country is garbage as it pertains to soccer as they call it. Hey new info for you guys too did you know that even Eddie Jonhson is a Jamaican well his Parents & he played in the Jamaican leagues in Florida where he learned from all his Jamaican friends also De Guzman who plays for Canada played for Jamaica at the under 17 level but did not get a game every time he came from Canada to play so he decided to play for Canada he also played in the same leagues as DeRosorio who now owns the team he played for in the Jamaican league in Canada.
My late good friend Courtney made a claim about football never becoming a major sport in the USA. Well what do you think today?
The USA can easily move to the very TOP OF THE WORLD, if only the insularity in the sport goes away. I think that presently the USA's best talents never see any of the national teams.
Insularity! Where is TK when you need him?
From the very earliest stages the talent coming through from immigrant groups and the poorest of environs have strikes against them.
i) Most coaches at that level are not in the "in crowd" with those whose players are allowed to move forward.
ii) Most parents of the immigrants are not well connected with the movers and shakers in the various regions.
The entire system is class and socialgram based. inferior talent well connected moves forward. Get rid of that insularity and series of stumbling blocks to best talent moving forward and the USA's TEAM will faster and faster move towards reflection of best talent in the USA.
One good thing we can see pointing to a breaking down of the barriers to talent being identified and used is this new ALL-COUNTRY DEVELOPMENT ACADEMIES. This new initiative is openning up the entire country to find talent wherever it lies. Give it time and we shall observe the changes in the national teams standard of play.
Tek hit heasy!In the USA talent abounds!
Dispassionate fair selections to these DEVELOPMENT ACADEMIES and great talents will rise to the top.
Give it time...and, it could happen much faster than you think.
Aside: In JA talent abounds...but, actions in countries around us make it an imperative that we find the best talent ACROSS THE ISLAND - no 'bush', village, district, inner city township, town being left unwatched - and expose that talent to excellent teaching/coaching and for the 'best of the best' does, for example, the USA continuous preparations with steady diet of quality international matches.
FORWARD!"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
You proved all my points as I said they will never win or be a top team in any World Cup trust me never ever. You say just wait for them to progress I could careless if they progress I want Jamaica, TnT & Haiti these teams to progress these teams have a much better chance to win a World Cup than any USA team if they get all the support it would be faster than you think. The USA sucks & when their commentators are talking about our teams or even African teams they say we just started to play football are they crazy this is why these teams don't respect them they are trying to claim a football history that is not there we & all the team in the region have a much richer football history than any USA team & yea there are 3 1/2 spots available for grabs hopefully we get one but if not we would have learned allot from this coach for the furture.Racist Zeppo Said "Against Italy? Sure. But keep in mind that's the reigning World Champion and not some chump Caribbean team we're used to slapping around in CONCACAF" Zeppo
Never Ever Will They Move To The Top Of The World As It Pertains To Footbal Never. Only In The Usa & In This Region With The Constant Help Of The Referies. Never Forget What Happened In Washington Dc If That Dont Let You Know What Is Going On Then I Dont Know What To Tell You.Racist Zeppo Said "Against Italy? Sure. But keep in mind that's the reigning World Champion and not some chump Caribbean team we're used to slapping around in CONCACAF" Zeppo
Redz this current us squad the one that played in the gold cup and the one that is playing now is not that good. I would agree they wont do anything that far more talened squad has not done. However I will say this I have seen some really good us yong footballer and I think soccer is still a middle class sport in the usa. Its terrible expensive and if they can ID in the urban areas they will go top of the world. They have the infracsrtructure, the vision and the players but need to harness it.
Originally posted by Redz View PostYou proved all my points as I said they will never win or be a top team in any World Cup trust me never ever. You say just wait for them to progress I could careless if they progress I want Jamaica, TnT & Haiti these teams to progress these teams have a much better chance to win a World Cup than any USA team if they get all the support it would be faster than you think. The USA sucks & when their commentators are talking about our teams or even African teams they say we just started to play football are they crazy this is why these teams don't respect them they are trying to claim a football history that is not there we & all the team in the region have a much richer football history than any USA team & yea there are 3 1/2 spots available for grabs hopefully we get one but if not we would have learned allot from this coach for the furture.
BTW - Their talent pool includes talent with the silky skills of South America, the Caribbean, Asia and lands surrounding the Mediterranean Sea (Spain, Italy, Portugal, etc.)?
Well?! Well?! I told Courtney then - "we'll see"!"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."