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There is nothing to easy passing and moving!

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  • There is nothing to easy passing and moving!

    That is fact!

    Just look at how Mexico does it. ...simple and pretty.

    Then look at Barnes how he keeps the late in this games....unnecessarily takes on players and hands the ball to Mexico?

    Pressure on our goal! ...dat by Barnes mek sense?
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

  • #2
    If it so easy why doesn't everybody do it.

    That is because it is very hard to do!

    It is in fact the hardest thing to do, do you also notice that the mex players have no need to dribble the ball. Dribbling the ball is one way to compensate for poor control and slow thought process and poor peripheral vision as it combines with effective decision making.

    Mex had been doing this for fifty plus years, it is culturally ingrained to pass and to pass quickly and their selection process screens for that speed of thought and decision making.

    We haven't even thought about the concept of that, our culture is also much more individualistic and far less team oriented.

    Passing as done by Spain is an improvement in the last twenty years in superior passing culture with a focus on speed of thought, speed of decision making, speed of release and field and peripheral vision.

    If I am already thinking this they have definitely done it and refined it to the nth degree. We are still talking about combination of speed, skill and discipline which are all great but when combined with those other things you can have amazing combinations. We have advantages in speed, strength which when combined with discipline in a certain formation can be used to deadly effect, but many of us still don't understand our fundamental weaknesses or strengths, if we don't realize that then we won't improve, speed, strength and discipline we have or can develop, those other things to make an excellent passing oriented culture takes fifty years, maybe twenty to twenty five if you do a hurry up program with resources and can institutionalize quickly otherwise rush business is a waste of time. Can't think of many programs in Jamaica that have emerged since Independence from our people that has brought great gains across the population, well maybe one, the Heart program. As you can see we do the poorest job at long term maintenance and institutionalization thus the road to this easy passing as you say is fraught with peril and misadventure based on our history.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
      If it so easy why doesn't everybody do it.

      That is because it is very hard to do!

      It is in fact the hardest thing to do, do you also notice that the mex players have no need to dribble the ball. Dribbling the ball is one way to compensate for poor control and slow thought process and poor peripheral vision as it combines with effective decision making.

      Mex had been doing this for fifty plus years, it is culturally ingrained to pass and to pass quickly and their selection process screens for that speed of thought and decision making.

      We haven't even thought about the concept of that, our culture is also much more individualistic and far less team oriented.

      Passing as done by Spain is an improvement in the last twenty years in superior passing culture with a focus on speed of thought, speed of decision making, speed of release and field and peripheral vision.

      If I am already thinking this they have definitely done it and refined it to the nth degree. We are still talking about combination of speed, skill and discipline which are all great but when combined with those other things you can have amazing combinations. We have advantages in speed, strength which when combined with discipline in a certain formation can be used to deadly effect, but many of us still don't understand our fundamental weaknesses or strengths, if we don't realize that then we won't improve, speed, strength and discipline we have or can develop, those other things to make an excellent passing oriented culture takes fifty years, maybe twenty to twenty five if you do a hurry up program with resources and can institutionalize quickly otherwise rush business is a waste of time. Can't think of many programs in Jamaica that have emerged since Independence from our people that has brought great gains across the population, well maybe one, the Heart program. As you can see we do the poorest job at long term maintenance and institutionalization thus the road to this easy passing as you say is fraught with peril and misadventure based on our history.
      LOL!! Mi ACL!!! Noice one Stoni

      So Stoni you concede here that foot speed & strength "advantages" are ephemeral in high level ball ....and can be easily nullified by teams with skilled, quick thinking, pass-focused & intelligent players...who often have much lower velocity, height & muscle mass.....Fast twitch and otherwise... Correct??

      This of yours above is a complete walk-back on your prior & oft stated demands for organized searches for speedy hand to hand warriors to base the RBZ team on. This is quite a stunning reversal.... breathtaking even.

      You're apparently remaking yourself into a guru of technical skill vs your earlier infatuation with fast hand to hand combat.
      To increase the beginnings of your new found credibility on this subject you should consider an unambiguous repudiation of your prior misguided statements on the primacy of foot speed & strength. You now realize we already have those attributes... naturally

      Man ah tell yuh & Karl lang time seh foot speed is overrated as it can merely confer a slight advantage...and only when other, more important technical fundamentals are also covered... passing, off ball movement, ball control, vision, intelligence etc.
      Otherwise foot speed merely masks technical defects, the lack of which INVARIABLY emerges to doom teams without said technical attributes.
      Fast & Foolish nuh cut it puppa...Mebbe @ Manning Cup level

      Stoni...Welcome to Damascus. May your stay here be pleasant and long lasting

      Sonia bwile up likkle cerasse tea deh...Stoni deh bout!!!
      Last edited by Don1; July 27, 2015, 11:22 AM.

      Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

      D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


      • #4
        I would hazard that "foot speed" is probably more desirable in the defence than anywhere else, if indeed it's one of the criteria for player selection... but I am not an analyst, just an armchair observer.
        Peter R


        • #5
          Originally posted by Peter R View Post
          I would hazard that "foot speed" is probably more desirable in the defence than anywhere else, if indeed it's one of the criteria for player selection... but I am not an analyst, just an armchair observer.
          I'm not saying foot speed is bad...it's nice to have

          I'm saying teams that base themselves on strength and fast running are and will almost always be second rate

          Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

          D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


          • #6
            Originally posted by Don1 View Post
            Sonia bwile up likkle cerasse tea deh...Stoni deh bout!!!
            Who name Sonia?



            • #7
              Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
              Who name Sonia?
              Mi lady inna Damascus.... Trailerload wi seh

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #8
                Combination of speed, strength and skill is probably greater in our population I believe, it is an advantage to have that but we must understand you must lay the trap to maximize your strengths, we already done know mex is best passing team in concacaf, we cannot out pass them, we cannot out possess them, we cannot attack freely, we must ambush them, sit deep and dare them to penetrate, and play the man, yesterday we were too stretched out and forgot our strategy.

                Superior Physical attributes with a defensive style can win any match with proper discipline and focus and like snowballas is only a shortcut to real development. Thing is real development takes a helluva long time thus we resort to shortcuts, snowballas and speed, hardcore defense with disciplined committed players, you definitely won't be getting Jogo Bonita from that combination.


                • #9

                  ...so what makes...gets all the top TEAMs capable of engaging in this 'passing & movement/movement & passing'? Their kids were born doing same? ...or were they taught (matters not method) same?

                  Easily taught by good teachers or no?
                  "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                  • #10
                    Now? Now? ...Don1?
                    ...do ascribe to me that which isn't!

                    If it one thing Gamma always criticizes me for is that request for and never-ending search for perfect...the impossible perfect player - fast of thought, fastest of foot speed, fastest across ground, strong - physically and mentally, great technical ability and tactical superb=wonderfully sensible! ...and this site, including this forum has numerous posts from/by me underlying same.

                    Come, come, Don!?!

                    Last edited by Karl; July 28, 2015, 02:00 AM.
                    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                    • #11
                      Foot speed?

                      Needed everywhere and thus from all 11 players.
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Ok boss....

                        Originally posted by Karl View Post
                        Now? Now? ...Don1?
                        ...do ascribe to me that which isn't!

                        If it one thing Gamma always criticizes me for is that request for and never-ending search for perfect...the impossible perfect player - fast of thought, fastest of foot speed, fastest across ground, strong - physically and mentally, great technical ability and tactical superb=wonderfully sensible! ...and this site, including this forum has numerous posts from/by me underlying same.

                        Come, come, Don!?!

                        You'll be searching until the cows come home

                        Happy Trails

                        Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                        D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                        • #13
                          Culture of sharing, culture of we versus me, calculated selection process to select best players with these characteristics, possibly calculated decision which influences style of play from way back.

                          Go anywhere even in the nearest field to your house and look at the local Mexican origin players and the way they play, then go look for the jamaican players and watch how we play, just the average guys.

                          Mexicans are pass, pass, pass rarely see one guy dominating the ball for extended stretches, jamaican ball revolves around best dribbler syndrome and selfish shot taking.


                          • #14
                            Again a fatally flawed argument flying in reality's face....

                            Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                            Thing is real development takes a helluva long time thus we resort to shortcuts, snowballas and speed, hardcore defense with disciplined committed players,.
                            Stoni wi deal wid systems analysis suh wi know dat.... it is ridiculous to claim that Snow Ballas etc are short cuts awaiting or leading to "real development" This is a complete misrepresentation of Jamaican reality. If your support is founded on the above premise...you're way off the reservation

                            Assuming our modern era of football began in 1994 & Simoes...we're in the 22nd year. That's "long term"...but do you see any structured player development in sight???????? If this development were occurring in the background SIMULTANEOUSLY as we pursued the short cuts....then your argument would have some validity. In that circumstance I too could also support the Snow strategy as it would have an acceptable endgame But it is not so

                            What we've had for17+ is a dedicated attempt to achieve WCQ by the most EXPEDIENT & CRAVEN means.. i.e. importing talent (at will) which is already developed....while IGNORING youth development. If we were to follow this ignorant course...in the year 2025 we would still have Snowfalls but no Development at home

                            This long term, hurry-come-up WCQ-or-bust Snow Folly is used by the JFF & ignorant fans to evade the issues surrounding youth & club development....

                            With a structured, intelligent program our youths improve with good training...our club play will improve...which will attract more fans...which will attract more sponsors and money to the game. What about that don't Jamaicans understand???

                            Stoni....wi cyaan support dem kinda specious reasoning yah.... It juss justify folly. Tuh much yutes ah suffa fi mi tolerate foolishness inna dem serious time...yuhzimi??
                            Last edited by Don1; July 28, 2015, 08:54 AM.

                            Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                            D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                            • #15
                              Ok, but if you can't get it everywhere, all other things being equal, do you think attack or defence is better to have it?
                              Peter R

