Ok....Unnu dun know seh Bad Man nuh inna tuh much celebration...Cause ah REALITY wi deal wid 24X7X365...An' reality nuh respek Folly.
Most ah unnu know bout Folly Great House...built on Sand
So as unnu beat unnu chess...Memba mi tole unnu dat dem (commendable) achievement in spanking Babylon inna dem den..puts our pathetic football Folly House program in perspective.. That is for critical thinkers only to apprecilove
So we've built a House which to the superficial minded appears SOLID....
As builders of our Football House we've decided to START with a nice pre-fab, imported ROOF
Then we added some pre-fab WALLS & FLOORING & FIXTURES
Voila.... House look PRETTY
Unfortunately the JFF Builders FORGOT about the FOUNDATION.... That's built in the SAND... A Folly House which will never last
Fulljoy di Folly House while it remains standing...Unnu tink sand ramp fi mash dung house???
Most ah unnu know bout Folly Great House...built on Sand
So as unnu beat unnu chess...Memba mi tole unnu dat dem (commendable) achievement in spanking Babylon inna dem den..puts our pathetic football Folly House program in perspective.. That is for critical thinkers only to apprecilove
So we've built a House which to the superficial minded appears SOLID....
As builders of our Football House we've decided to START with a nice pre-fab, imported ROOF
Then we added some pre-fab WALLS & FLOORING & FIXTURES
Voila.... House look PRETTY

Unfortunately the JFF Builders FORGOT about the FOUNDATION.... That's built in the SAND... A Folly House which will never last
Fulljoy di Folly House while it remains standing...Unnu tink sand ramp fi mash dung house???
