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Watching Sportsmax zone

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  • Watching Sportsmax zone

    and Simon Crosskill is making the point that USA and Mexico in particular, and also Honduras, El Salvador and Costa Rica (he didn't mention Panama) all have way better playing facilities, specifically playing surfaces at grassroots level than we (JA) do.

    Players, for example, cannot develop the skill of running with a ball and raising their heads to look for passing options with confidence, because by the time a player (in JA) looks back expecting to see the ball at his feet, it has deflected off an uneven surface and is ten feet away.

    This is one element that affects player development that should be prioritized.
    Peter R

  • #2
    Gamma an I told them about the inferior playing surface long long ago!
    The only time TRUTH will hurt you...is if you ignore it long enough



    • #3
      We all know... the JFF doesn't seem to, or, they're just content to sit on their ass and do nothing!
      Peter R


      • #4
        Crutch for Awful teachers=coaches!

        a) We are even poorer controlling balls that arrive in the air. Nuh bump nuh di deh!

        b) Poor passing has direct relation to:
        MOVEMENT (poor movement close passing lanes...and do not open good passing options;

        b) Poor recognition of 'what is' and 'what is possible' and thus makes for poor choices on passing=bad outcomes=poor passing;

        c) Poor teachers=teaching of bad practices
        Not enough emphasis on technique=often poor kicking & heading technique equal ball going astray...

        d) age appropriate coordination on speed within which the recognition of surroindings, problems recognized and solved, movement and passing action not instilled as conditioned reflex mores. In a nutshell we are taught the wrong way to carry out those actions. We are taught to be very slow waay slower than we could be if properly taught and trained..Yes, taught=just about 100% of our coaches-=teachers engage in such teaching of our talented youngster...and senior players...to be slow.

        The inordinate time our players need to think and solve problems presented by opponents...and then to act is not 'it' for top world play.

        We can list many players who played on our awful fields are were 'boss passers and movers'. They were quicker of thought and the following good action.

        It has become culture...part of our DNA whereon just about everyone takes it as gospel that just give us billard tables and all would be solved.

        Yes, we need better fields...but our most pressing problem is putting our talented in the hands of good teachers.

        Seriously...do you really think our talented youngsters are too dumb to understand and acquire first rate technique and good tactical=sensible individual and TEAM play? Why not teach them?

        Last edited by Karl; July 18, 2015, 04:56 AM.
        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #5
          Originally posted by Karl View Post
          Crutch for Awful teachers=coaches!

          a) We are even poorer controlling balls that arrive in the air. Nuh bump nuh di deh!

          b) Poor passing has direct relation to:
          MOVEMENT (poor movement close passing lanes...and do not open good passing options;

          b) Poor recognition of 'what is' and 'what is possible' and thus makes for poor choices on passing=bad outcomes=poor passing;

          c) Poor teachers=teaching of bad practices
          Not enough emphasis on technique=often poor kicking & heading technique equal ball going astray...

          d) age appropriate coordination on speed within which the recognition of surroindings, problems recognized and solved, movement and passing action not instilled as conditioned reflex mores. In a nutshell we are taught the wrong way to carry out those actions. We are taught to be very slow waay slower than we could be if properly taught and trained..Yes, taught=just about 100% of our coaches-=teachers engage in such teaching of our talented youngster...and senior players...to be slow.

          The inordinate time our players need to think and solve problems presented by opponents...and then to act is not 'it' for top world play.

          We can list many players who played on our awful fields are were 'boss passers and movers'. They were quicker of thought and the following good action.

          It has become culture...part of our DNA whereon just about everyone takes it as gospel that just give us billard tables and all would be solved.

          Yes, we need better fields...but our most pressing problem is putting our talented in the hands of good teachers.

          Seriously...do you really think our talented youngsters are too dumb to understand and acquire first rate technique and good tactical=sensible individual and TEAM play? Why not teach them?

          So what is the JFF doing about ALL these issues? Having good working conditions (good quality fields) might attract better coaches to the game?
          Peter R


          • #6
            When last you tried playing on an awful surface?!!

            Question for you, is practicing/playing football on the beach good preparation for regular football and if you find that it is good practice would you have an advantage over someone practicing on a good grass pitch who will eventually play on the same grace pitch as the beach footballer

            Infidelity does not consist in believing, or in disbelieving; it consists in professing to believe what he does not believe. Thomas Paine


            • #7
              The surface is crucial to teaching proper technique but we also have too much competion and not enough training. We probably play more than we train. For example in schoolboy football can you say we train 4 times for every one game.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Karl View Post
                We can list many players who played on our awful fields are were 'boss passers and movers'. They were quicker of thought and the following good action.
                Please do.

                And add the great dribblers too. I think that has more to do with the topic than passers and movers.


                BLACK LIVES MATTER


                • #9
                  I stopped plating master's league because of the fields...don't make no sense...hard like rock stone and uneven...

