The coach must a try something cause Mattocks needed to stretch the defense. Until he came on the Defense had a easy day. Watson was off. There 5 man midfield block up our passing and we need a forward to make some runs to stretch them out. Barnes and Dawkins were not effective today.
It is not the end of the world and didn't do very well but sad that it came down to that goal. Again this is a very good defensive team.
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Very good defensive?
Because your opponent does not take even one of 6 or 7 chances does not mean your defensive work is the contrary so many good looks say the defensive work is, NOT GOOD!!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.
Let me see if Maestro will come out of retirement.
Here is the problem with those catching up on teaching about the game = learning the game: They are always playing catch up.
It bears repeating that FOOTBALL IS A TEAM GAME!
That understanding should lead to realization that the unattainable PERFECT TEAM has all players performing all tasks save the using of the hands in the penalty-area by the goalkeeper.
Let us recap: By summarizing - All the players...each player must be adept at entire outfield play. Each player must be creator, highly technically skilled, tactically aware.
That call for "a creative midfielder" says the fan or student does not yet grasp the concept that all players must be, as one of the multiple tasks, must be a "creator".
In the context of TEAM play there is always areas where a player is stronger than others. Therefore it is easily recognized that say a Cesc Fabregas is better at making goal-scoring opportunities than he is at defending or goal-scoring. ...but it is important to not overlook - and that is where those learning the game fall apart or fall down - that each and every team-member of good teams, inclusive of Cesc's Chelsea are creative players. When necessary they make those goal-scoring opportunities.
In selection of TEAM from the given pool the coach-manager makes what he/she considers sections best suited to accomplish his/her aims. That manager is not selecting any single player based on that players abilities outside of what is best for the TEAM.
Our TEAM's showing in this competition is a result of the sum of its total parts. I think the main issue is a collective failure to properly assess and then solve the problems posed by the opposing team WITHIN CONTEXT OF THE PLAYERS ABILITIES on technical skills, tactical skills and physical abilities.
Example: In the last match it appears the opponents collectively and man-to-man match-ups were a step faster on the ball (making decisions and executing same) and across ground.
Our players appeared to not have recognized same.
Why do I say that?
If there was a collective recognition of same they would have been doing the following consistently during the game:
When in possession
- passing earlier and that would have included nuff-nuff one-time passes and its attendant movement into space - (cannot accomplish one without the other action - they go together like peas in a pod),
- make nuff-nuff passes whereon the ball is delivered near...very near to or to feet of teammates (over and over, and over and over the passes actually made were too near to opponents = too far from our intended recipient),
- make passes whereon our teammates win foot races most often (too often the passes demanded a foot race and most often we lost those foot-races or arrived on the ball as the opponents arrived. The idea in a game is always to get to the ball first and it takes a recognition of relative pace of your teammate and the opponent to be able to make that delivery of the ball - to apply correct angle of pass and pace of pass - such that it arrives at/to your teammate with time for him to be unmolested when the ball arrives).
Our TEAM has not a player with the tactical awareness of a Cesc Fabregas...but comparatively speaking our team members all appear to be on the same level at the making of goals. They all have great difficultly doing same.
The truth is, making of goals is 'buttah' if you have the mental wherewithal to recognize the opportunities for doing same. The player needs to know the limits of his and his teammates abilities and temper/structure manner of play(ing) to maximize potential and actual abilities.
Our players have the physical abilities to 'walk' with top teams but not the mental abilities. The discipline (to play within context of abilities) and to maximize on mental ability can be taught. Problem solving abilities can be enhanced and inculcated.
I am sure any of us stepping on the field of play recognizing our awful limitations would try to 'get rid of the ball in a sensible manner' 'hot potato'. So we would be moving as sensibly and continuously as we are mentally and physically able. Showing for the ball to help TEAMmates and TEAM retain possession and achieve goals...making early passes and recognizing we cannot run or react as swiftly as these 'faster' players and therefore refrain from putting our teammates in foot races they cannot win, or passing balls to spots whereon they often arrive second - to opponent - to the position the ball was passed. We would attempt passes that 'go straight to our teammates'...or at least be consistently attempting same. bruks? ...bruks most often demand the target be in close proximity and thus has great chance at disrupting TEAM-play!!! what am I saying?
That call for a creative player for this team is that made as a result of not understanding the game. Sure a Cesc Fabregas like player would be an upgrade but what our TEAM needs most is, players who are quick to recognize problems faced on the field and mental capacity to perform within context of individual and the collective abilities.
This same set of players can perform at far higher levels if only mental abilities improve = ability at exercising logical improves. That improvement in use of mental ability = logical thinking would result in improvement in all areas of play!!!
We are near to top world quality play...yet so damn far away! ~ sigh!