Again broad sweeping statements based on 'air'!
...however, let us skip the matter of high schools 'certifying' coaches?
Is it not about competence of the teachers as coaches?
Once more back to the basic question: What is the point of schools if the instructors/teachers/coaches are 'blind' = ignorant of subject matter and on how to teach?
...let's ask the question another way: What is the point of teaching youngsters the wrong thing? ...what good comes out of so doing?
Aside: Sass, Paul and Gamma now extol the merits of the coaching courses they attended as wonderful teaching=coaching experiences and I suppose we are to assume or conclude that they are now qualified teachers=coaches and if they work at coaching=teaching footballers they shall produce competent players and TEAMs...?
- Not one of them actually uttered words saying the courses attended were "wonderful teaching courses". Is it a stretch to assume that is what each would like us to believe?
If we recall our Jamaica coaches have taken more advanced courses and it may be reasonable to assume they have had continuing education
since each coach's last course...what then prevents them from producing competent players and TEAMs?
Could Sass, Gamma or Paul do a better job at coaching one of our national TEAMs? ...or one of schoolboy or schoolgirl or local club team?
Maybe...but would it be down to the courses they attended?
...however, let us skip the matter of high schools 'certifying' coaches?
Is it not about competence of the teachers as coaches?
Once more back to the basic question: What is the point of schools if the instructors/teachers/coaches are 'blind' = ignorant of subject matter and on how to teach?
...let's ask the question another way: What is the point of teaching youngsters the wrong thing? ...what good comes out of so doing?
Aside: Sass, Paul and Gamma now extol the merits of the coaching courses they attended as wonderful teaching=coaching experiences and I suppose we are to assume or conclude that they are now qualified teachers=coaches and if they work at coaching=teaching footballers they shall produce competent players and TEAMs...?
- Not one of them actually uttered words saying the courses attended were "wonderful teaching courses". Is it a stretch to assume that is what each would like us to believe?
If we recall our Jamaica coaches have taken more advanced courses and it may be reasonable to assume they have had continuing education
since each coach's last course...what then prevents them from producing competent players and TEAMs?
Could Sass, Gamma or Paul do a better job at coaching one of our national TEAMs? ...or one of schoolboy or schoolgirl or local club team?
Maybe...but would it be down to the courses they attended?