So we've seen lots of idle chatter from unthinking ites re how football coaches, players etc should take charge of their own development... presumably since the JFF cannot or will not perform that role.
These unthinking ites usually refer to the brilliant example of our track coaches & athletes who have recently collaborated to produce the World's greatest Sprint Factory. This was built on an already great legacy of performance since the 1940s
So yes...Football can learn from track. Local development of football can produce world class talent....and it's not especially difficult. Why?
It's long established that pound for pound..... we have some significant natural & environmental advantages over Europeans and their American cousins. What those advantages are... is a subject for a different conversation. (Easy X Man..nuh worry yuhself)
But suffice it to say...our success in track demonstrates this obvious fact of advantage.
Where the track development lessons are inapplicable for football lies in the differing governing structures.
In track the JAAA is relatively toothless . Their remit from the IAAF is not forceful by tradition, IAAF rules and lack of official funding. The JAAA has very little responsibility for development... that role is traditionally performed by ISSA, schools and latterly by professional clubs.
The JAAA has very little ability or inclination to meddle in this effective development system... and the results are brilliantly World Class
In football the picture is 100% different. FIFA is a dictatorial fiefdom.... and affiliates like the JFF are charged with dictatorial powers over football in their jurisdiction. Anyone who challenges this order is subject to severe sanction. This can mean anything from local restrictions on players, coaches, admins a total worldwide ban which can kill careers.
(Think USA dictating to the world re who deserves money, trade or bombing on any given day
For fear of sanction by a certain Forum Dictator I won't mention a prominent independent thinker recently subject to JFF action
All who operate in football know that the guillotine is ready & waiting should they be disobedient. Nothing is allowed to upset "The JFF Football Order"
So the idea of coaches etc organizing like some union and driving their own development and the development of players is not just's absolutely ludicrous & boneheaded. Any observer of football who advocates this for the Jamaican Football Plantation is... ignorant of reality, incapable of logical thought...or both. The less said of that nonsense the better
What football needs first is an informed public which prioritizes local development and the creation of a local FOOTBALL INDUSTRY over EVERYTHING...including WCQ. Only then can the JFF Dictatorship be held accountable for what is required.
At the moment WCQ is a DISTRACTION. Jamaica DOESN'T DESERVE to qualify for ANY World Cup... since we refuse to do the fundamentals.
The essential elements of a structured, long term youth development plan appropriate for Jamaica's unique circumstances:
A Building capacity for expert training of the trainers
B Establishing an academy appropriate to JA circumstances
C Improving the efficiency of the local youth competition
As to academy financing outside the above barter arrangement... I've proposed that a portion of any fees from players developed by the national academy who're subsequently transferred abroad (even if they've left and joined a local club) ... must be retained by the academy for its upkeep. (Sekkle yuhself Tilla
) This of course is an incentive to produce ongoing excellence.
So fortunately a discerning RBZ advocate has laid out ALL the important scenarios to affordably drive local development. Just a little vision and ingenuity is required to execute.
But alas... John Public & the JFF Dictatorship are both backward thinking & myopic entities.
These unthinking ites usually refer to the brilliant example of our track coaches & athletes who have recently collaborated to produce the World's greatest Sprint Factory. This was built on an already great legacy of performance since the 1940s

So yes...Football can learn from track. Local development of football can produce world class talent....and it's not especially difficult. Why?
It's long established that pound for pound..... we have some significant natural & environmental advantages over Europeans and their American cousins. What those advantages are... is a subject for a different conversation. (Easy X Man..nuh worry yuhself)

But suffice it to say...our success in track demonstrates this obvious fact of advantage.

Where the track development lessons are inapplicable for football lies in the differing governing structures.
In track the JAAA is relatively toothless . Their remit from the IAAF is not forceful by tradition, IAAF rules and lack of official funding. The JAAA has very little responsibility for development... that role is traditionally performed by ISSA, schools and latterly by professional clubs.
The JAAA has very little ability or inclination to meddle in this effective development system... and the results are brilliantly World Class

In football the picture is 100% different. FIFA is a dictatorial fiefdom.... and affiliates like the JFF are charged with dictatorial powers over football in their jurisdiction. Anyone who challenges this order is subject to severe sanction. This can mean anything from local restrictions on players, coaches, admins a total worldwide ban which can kill careers.
(Think USA dictating to the world re who deserves money, trade or bombing on any given day

For fear of sanction by a certain Forum Dictator I won't mention a prominent independent thinker recently subject to JFF action

All who operate in football know that the guillotine is ready & waiting should they be disobedient. Nothing is allowed to upset "The JFF Football Order"

So the idea of coaches etc organizing like some union and driving their own development and the development of players is not just's absolutely ludicrous & boneheaded. Any observer of football who advocates this for the Jamaican Football Plantation is... ignorant of reality, incapable of logical thought...or both. The less said of that nonsense the better

What football needs first is an informed public which prioritizes local development and the creation of a local FOOTBALL INDUSTRY over EVERYTHING...including WCQ. Only then can the JFF Dictatorship be held accountable for what is required.
At the moment WCQ is a DISTRACTION. Jamaica DOESN'T DESERVE to qualify for ANY World Cup... since we refuse to do the fundamentals.

The essential elements of a structured, long term youth development plan appropriate for Jamaica's unique circumstances:
A Building capacity for expert training of the trainers

B Establishing an academy appropriate to JA circumstances

C Improving the efficiency of the local youth competition

As to academy financing outside the above barter arrangement... I've proposed that a portion of any fees from players developed by the national academy who're subsequently transferred abroad (even if they've left and joined a local club) ... must be retained by the academy for its upkeep. (Sekkle yuhself Tilla

So fortunately a discerning RBZ advocate has laid out ALL the important scenarios to affordably drive local development. Just a little vision and ingenuity is required to execute.
But alas... John Public & the JFF Dictatorship are both backward thinking & myopic entities.
