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Karl et al

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  • Karl et al

    What do you think?
    Peter R

  • #2
    T'dad discussion above - Is all about leadership being

    extremely poor.

    The persons being interviewed are bang on the money...even though at least one pointed to Jamaica's licensing of coaches as something to ape. - Merely handing out licenses if not backed by graduates who have attended and successfully negotiated=absorbed requisite first rate knowledge would be a waste.

    Talent abounds but as the persons being interviewed stated talent alone is not "it".

    Both Jamaica and T'dad need competent leaders who will put in place that all-island unearthing and development of talent.

    If we look at the results in JA and T'dad we shall see that our National Teams - end product of each of our 'development process' (in parenthesis as we have no development process)... - even those that arrive at World Tournaments are as HL would say, 'bottom-feeders'. That underlines failure in/of leadership at/to coming/come up with the necessary unearthing of talent and the development of same.

    The truth is, certainly in JA, abundance of talent going to waste.
    Yup!...the gentlemen are bang on point!
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."

