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His method may stir our madness

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  • His method may stir our madness

    What Bora is doing is not a bad thing. I think if he gets the chance he will have a team ready by the time qualifiers come along. I do think the JFF is going at it in a wrong way and are setting up their big name - big salary TD for a public relations disaster that might have him hunted down and strung up before we can see the fruits of our US$million dollars.

    Bora needs a tour or two... doesn't matter where or who just beg plea photocopy some money and send him pon a tour where one result is not as glaring as a loss in front of paying RBz fans who are only in the stadium to see the enemy slaughtered. We need a bag of games against St Catherine 11s and maybe an eastern Caribbean tour and maybe a low profile trek through the states...
    SA 2010: Reggae Boyz coming home!

  • #2
    I think you can only get better by playing better teams. We need to tell the public not to watch the results. We need strong games against tactical teams. Take them to Africa if we can afford it. Take them to North Africa .


    • #3
      OJ, if yuh was close ah wudda buy yuh a Heineken or the beer of your choice. Well said sar!
      "Only when you drink from the river of silence shall you indeed sing. And when you have reached the mountain top, then you shall begin to climb. And when the earth shall claim your limbs, then shall you truly dance." ~ Kahlil Gibran


      • #4
        Yeah but there seems to be a disconnect, well at least between Bora and the JFF.With the 1-1 result in the previous game, we got the impression(we will now focus on the U17-ominous... it became..)that all was well, apparently that wasn't so.
        Considering we fielded UB40 players, why wasn't Claude called up?
        I did not see the game but I am not convinced Bora is/will do anything new, he lacks "stick-to-it-ness"...
        Establish chemistry and a style of play with the local team, then insert the UB40 players only on only a need be...



        • #5
          its funny I asked that same question regarding the u17.. My understanding from on the ground is. If you give a man a job to do you let him do it. You dont do like simoes and take over all the teams. So the in my view is that we did not tell who we gave the u17 team to , to work with the TD, we let him do his job and he failed. However here again the failure of the U17 is not in itself a failure. It will be a failure if those boys are thrown away, they need to be continuity which of itself is what is important.

