The keeper is one of 11 players,each having a role on the team.Pool would have to score 4 goals to win today,didn't you see Carrick figuring into our defense in the later stages of the game,would that have occurred earlier had Liverpool scored?
With Jones and Evans being fielded together there was always the possibility of being hurt by the unknown(both have not been playing..)and with Herrera on the bench,Man U conceded the midfield based on babysitting Wilson.We were ripe for the takings today so you can't take too much from today's game.
Perhaps you need to revisit our game against your team,was there evidence were punching above our weight in that one?
The players executed very well--but did not finish by putting the ball in the back of the net.
You are bang on, HL!
Liverpool were awesome on outplay save passing into goal and one glaring defensive lapse (Coutinho's leaving Rooney for clear run on ball and goal. Gamma would inaccurately claim: it is the back 4s fault as players further up the field are there for creating goals and scoring!!! (pain at his take on the game of football...after my years of teaching!!! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! (The gut-wrenching screams of a frustrated teacher!)
btw - That anti-TEAM display by Coutinho is often displayed by Walcott (GUNNERS), Giroud (GUNNERS), Dane Richards an nuff-nuff more (Reggae Boyz), Glen Johnson ('pool)...and more recently not as often as the others but too damn often by Gibbs (GUNNERS). The games these guys throw away are too damn many!
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