Let us limit the period under review to 2000 to the present.
Why 2000? - That was when 'we' first came together as 'The Massive' on this site - www.reggaeboyzsc.com.
In those good old days of 2000 our Reggae Boyz were just 2 years off visiting at the World Cup Finals tournament, We sure were naïve. We saw the possibility of our brothers and sisters in the JFF leading in a manner that was superior in kind to that of our educators - Hey...just look at the shambles of our school system that rewards with failing rates on percentage graduates and on rates of successful completion of course work when measured by numbers acquiring passing grades in exams external to those set by each individual school?
-, our professionals and service industry workers and our civil servants - Hey...just think on our opinions of honesty of our attorneys, faith in competence of our workers and actual levels of welcome received in GOJ offices, etc., etc? - ...our politicians?...what the hell? ...where is our country today? Yes, we were naïve!!! ...and in a real sense we threw commonsense out the door! Look...it is from our failing schools...system of education from which our JFF leaders 'graduated'
What should rational persons...persons who had not taken leave of commonsense then think? ...coldly, rationally deduced?
The results delivered by our football leaders show we were in self-denial! We deluded ourselves into thinking the JFF leaders were 'different'. We convinced ourselves that they were smart competent leaders. We got our just deserts! Years of failure!
...but look at the EPL?
In 2000 it could be said that only 2 or 3 squads played TEAM football - sensible football. ...and those TEAMs bossed the EPL! Fast Forward to this 2014/2015 season and consider that after record levels of spending on upgrade of clubs in terms of facilities, in quality of footballers and managers=coaches from top to bottom within a number of clubs there is a parity...a leveling out of top quality competence that stretches across clubs in the division. This year based on quality of matches it could be said that there are 4 teams in the running for the EPL title. ...but consider this; at this sate of the season - 15 matches played of 38 - my GUNNERS=The Arsenal sits at number 8 in the table 13 points off the lead and 13 points from the very bottom?
Does anyone disagree that the quality football in the EPL has not risen dramatically?
...and what of football in our NPL, our first division during that same period? Can we expect our National Football TEAM in matches against the EPL top TEAM to end in a win? ...can our National Football TEAM at this time defeat any of the EPL's 20 TEAM? ...and yes that includes current bottom TEAM Leicester?
Let me step out of that naïve cocoon that had me thinking our JFF leaders would have taken our TEAM to the TOP OF THE WORLD...near to/in close proximity to the TOP OF THE WORLD and say, defeat of Leicester could occur but our chances of so doing is pretty near to that of a snowball surviving in hell!!! ...and that is my truth!!!
Why 2000? - That was when 'we' first came together as 'The Massive' on this site - www.reggaeboyzsc.com.
In those good old days of 2000 our Reggae Boyz were just 2 years off visiting at the World Cup Finals tournament, We sure were naïve. We saw the possibility of our brothers and sisters in the JFF leading in a manner that was superior in kind to that of our educators - Hey...just look at the shambles of our school system that rewards with failing rates on percentage graduates and on rates of successful completion of course work when measured by numbers acquiring passing grades in exams external to those set by each individual school?

The results delivered by our football leaders show we were in self-denial! We deluded ourselves into thinking the JFF leaders were 'different'. We convinced ourselves that they were smart competent leaders. We got our just deserts! Years of failure!
...but look at the EPL?
In 2000 it could be said that only 2 or 3 squads played TEAM football - sensible football. ...and those TEAMs bossed the EPL! Fast Forward to this 2014/2015 season and consider that after record levels of spending on upgrade of clubs in terms of facilities, in quality of footballers and managers=coaches from top to bottom within a number of clubs there is a parity...a leveling out of top quality competence that stretches across clubs in the division. This year based on quality of matches it could be said that there are 4 teams in the running for the EPL title. ...but consider this; at this sate of the season - 15 matches played of 38 - my GUNNERS=The Arsenal sits at number 8 in the table 13 points off the lead and 13 points from the very bottom?

Does anyone disagree that the quality football in the EPL has not risen dramatically?
...and what of football in our NPL, our first division during that same period? Can we expect our National Football TEAM in matches against the EPL top TEAM to end in a win? ...can our National Football TEAM at this time defeat any of the EPL's 20 TEAM? ...and yes that includes current bottom TEAM Leicester?
Let me step out of that naïve cocoon that had me thinking our JFF leaders would have taken our TEAM to the TOP OF THE WORLD...near to/in close proximity to the TOP OF THE WORLD and say, defeat of Leicester could occur but our chances of so doing is pretty near to that of a snowball surviving in hell!!! ...and that is my truth!!!