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Player Ratings (seen against Stoni's)

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  • #31
    Really Mosiah, does everything not come back to the most fundamental thing, motive, why do we do what we do.

    I don't know if you see it but I would imagine in scouting people the most important thing to understand is why people do what they do, not what they really do, not what they shape and do in the open.

    We all have eyes and ears and what I saw of gray was unusual, he had almost and equal amount of good superior plays to poor inferior plays, his inferior plays were mostly defensive and showed a tendency towards a lack of responsibility on the d side, two specific plays in just one game that seemed to suggest a lack of desire to protect, to defend which is job 1, it is perplexing as on the attacking side he assumed more responsibility and showed high desire to contribute and be involved. That is exactly what comes to my mind and that comes back to what is driving his brain. He seems to be an attacker adapted to defend than vice versa, maybe that is all it is.


    • #32
      The ratings and the TEAM's performance

      Originally posted by Mosiah View Post
      Fuss mi a see dis!

      So, Karl, instead of coming with your ratings, you decide to critique my ratings?!?

      Anyway, like anyone's ratings, they could be adjusted after a second look. Mine were done after the live telecast.

      And let's not waterdown the performance of the players. Regardless of the opposition they did well.
      Re: Ratings
      This time? Yes!

      Re: Water down the performance - players and TEAM
      That the performance was encouraging is without a doubt...but I have been there before. This TEAM showed potential to be good TEAM, even very, very good TEAM.

      However in -
      i) '97 & '98;

      ii) during one of CB's tenue at the helm - (period within which we trounced Uruguay 2 - 0);

      iii) 2011 Gold Cup run when Tappa and Bradley Stewart were in charge...and suffered great hurt thereafter.

      There is without a doubt tremendous potential to 'kick on'. However, I shall wish and pray for continued improvement towards good TEAM...towards fulfilling the visible talent and potential for growth to top TEAM but keep emotions 'wrapped tight' to guard against the dashed dreams and terrible emotional strain I have lived through before.

      There is no 'watering down' of performances, it is being alive to real situation within which this TEAM performed. Not fooling myself! Keeping it real!

      Example: Remember my post - "Perhaps we are not as fast as we think we are" said within context of performance against one of those French speaking teams? We were often second to balls and were frequently losing foot races and 'being beaten' via 'foot speed' as we were being turned and left for dead or befuddled by swift movement of the ball. Will we face at higher levels - Gold Cup, Copa America and beyond - players even faster on pace and on 'foot speed' than those players from Martinique and Haiti? ...if so, and we fail to impress will it be a "watering down of performance" or even as we produce similar performance or even we lift performance....it is then seen that this 'Caribbean Cup quality performance' being 'not good enough'?

      No boss, in context of judging quality of our play, just keeping it real!!!
      11.00 flat 100M man running against 12.00 flat 100M men? Fast nuh blurd-naught? ...against Usain Bolt? ...not even on the same planet!!!
      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


      • #33
        It is good to look back in this Mosiah and see our thinking and see how we all thought Taxi was quality very quickly, looking back now I can see hughan gray had unusual quality in transition as well.


        • #34
          Yes, thanks for this.

          I think it shows that I can be fair to the players regardless of what I may think about them otherwise (UB40, etc.) Even Mattocks got some high marks from me.

          I may, after the Argentina match, submit some ratings for the players. I invite you to do the same.



          • #35
            Yes, let's try and do that, problem for me is I have to go to a bar to see it, so little chance for a good review.

            Funny how we holding up the ball totally even on interception, are they getting instructions to play hold the ball as long as possible. There have been many interceptions but no one is really pushing the ball at the critical moment when the opponent is in transition, that is a very short window of opportunity on these overly defensive teams, we have the speed and size to really run riot in the transition game, just don't understand what's happening. Like them trying to play Brazil style ball in the man them face and our passing and control are horrendous when the ball is being directly pressured and the opponent have time to setup and pressure the ball, thus the dull, insipid style we are emanating, making yard ball look like there is zero imagination. Maybe they not fit so they don't want to run too hard in transition!!!


            • #36
              Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
              Like them trying to play Brazil style ball in the man them face and our passing and control are horrendous when the ball is being directly pressured and the opponent have time to setup and pressure the ball, thus the dull, insipid style we are emanating, making yard ball look like there is zero imagination

              Stoni...when will it dawn on you that English football is generally dull and unimaginative.... even from their best players??

              It is not sensible to expect inspired play from a side dominated by third string Englishmen who play together a few times per year

              Kindly temper your expectations accordingly

              Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

              D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


              • #37
                I am not even talking about magic just inspired move to goal ball, get some shots, test the keeper, all now we no test the keeper.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
                  I am not even talking about magic just inspired move to goal ball, get some shots, test the keeper, all now we no test the keeper.
                  I hear your cry. But inventiveness has long been bred out of English ball

                  Mostly kick an' run and your favored hand to hand Mortal Combat tings dem deal wid

                  Recognizing the victims of Jamaica's horrendous criminality and exposing the Dummies like Dippy supporting criminals by their deeds.. or their silence.

                  D1 - Xposing Dummies since 2007


                  • #39
                    problem in the last game is they were using 5 midfielders to crowd us out and we didn't have a forward uptop to pressure their defense and create space. Barnes and Dawkins are second forwards and not really mobile enough to give us that Mobilitty.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #40
                      Barnes pretty fast, but probably better lurking than being up top target.

