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Jamaica versus Antigua ratings!

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  • Jamaica versus Antigua ratings!

    First off let me say I watched this game on video yesterday and really enjoyed more than a few moments. Still a lot of work to be done but seeing some smatterings of things that could come with more discipline, chemistry and commitment to success.

    This rating is a little different, so my expectation is that everybody is coming to do them job and play a good game which if you are doing the fundamentals and not making any mistakes that is a four (4) which means no poor passes that result in an advantage of possession for the other team, no lack of effort on plays, no opponent outplaying the player thus looking like he should not be on the field and on the other side; getting positive marks for things above and beyond the regular, creating positively for others going forward and actually finding them and putting them in a superior position going for goal, something we have a problem doing, our best passes are going backward or to the side. Carrying the ball demonstrating confidence and skill and also looking to create, and creating while carrying, hustling for the ball, fighting for the ball, harrying an opponent with no let up, scoring, assist, shutting down an attacker expeditiously, ball hawking resulting in gaining possession from the opponent which leads to a counterattack.

    Jamaica 3 -Antigua - 0.
    So here are the Numbers.

    Gray - 5
    Very interesting player, lots of potential, lots of flaws.
    Summary - he had five good plays and four bad plays
    Worse play was Weston running by and past him to get the ball at around the 50 minute, that was plain bad, showed no heart, no response, apathy, or worse yet no speed. second really bad play was probably worse at around minute 61 left attacking man alone in space, then ventured over for a tackle, got chopped badly and the man got off a shot.
    Best play was running and getting into space for a nice pass from Grant and a wicked shot on goal from angle at 86th minute.
    Second good play good take away at 82-83rd minute. Had a few other nice plays and bad plays.
    He will need to improve or get help versus Haiti on defensive side.

    Richards -6 excellent running and dribbling on multiple occasion, especially in first half, fell off in intensity and contribution in second, still overall good. Multiple good crosses, with resulting danger on goal on multiple occasions, five to be specific all dangerous. Had an assist that led to second goal.

    Taxi man Lawrence - 7
    Did what he was supposed to do, loved the way he closed out Peter Byers at 11:05, clearly fast and knows how to use it, loved his hustle on a loose ball and his goal was just wickedly aggressive, like a hungry hawk jumping on a wayward chick. Yeah that got my adrenaline up. Very little in the way of mistakes or bad plays that I saw.

    Powell - 7 strong, consistent, nice cutouts and clearances in box when absolutely needed, good fight and take of ball and initiated the attack on one occasion, saw a lot of good fight and follow through. Nice, very nice, did not see any mistakes I can remember.

    Taylor - 4 did his job for most part nothing memorable at all, poor pass in 17th minute or thereabouts is only thing noticeable. For a senior man with Nuff experience, very disappointing.

    Austin - 8 excellent night, very effective everywhere in defense and in attack and in transition. A number of good passes, one poor pass at 32nd minute. Good goal, had an excellent creative pass to Richards who then passed to create the second goal. One poor free kick.

    Watson - 4 did basic job, bad pass at 66 minute, one good stop at 57th, and a yellow card. Again, disappointed with his value add, saw nothing of note.

    Dawkins - 8 love this youth, I still cannot understand why he has so few assists, he can do it all, our best version of Sturridge in my books, confident on the ball, moves at speed with ball at close quarters, good shifty movement, good passing, good interchange, good shooter, love the potential.
    I counted at least six or seven just interesting value add type plays at least five very good passes one of the best was a sweet little release to McAnuff down the side of the box around the 67th minute with a bunch of nice interchanges with McAnuff and others just before that., had one poor pass at 30th minute, good shot at 75 minute. We need to see more of this player!!!!!

    Mattocks - 6, surprised me, he really played well for nice stretches, kind of disappeared somewhat in the second half. Saw one aggressive come to a loose ball that made me go, 'ah mattocks dat'!
    Good goal, good movement to goal on multiple occasions.

    McAnuff - 8 doing a lot, totally committed, a warrior all the way throughout, a leader doing what leaders do, lead the way in attack, in defense, very creative, adding real new value, stuff we really have not seen consistently through the years with the sweet little combos with Dawkins, creating space and confusion for Antigua, we should have scored two more. On one occasion good dribble leading the attack which failed but ran back fifty yards harassing the ball handler all the way, this allows others to get back, slows down the counter and potentially can lead to regaining the ball instead of inviting a new attack, these types of plays are the difference between winning and losing. Good leadership on that. Bad pass at 79 minute to no one. Overall very nice combos with Dawkins and others on left and through the middle, showed that he wants to be here and wants to lead from the front. A few very nice shots on goals.

    Seaton - 7, very impressive in a very short time as a sub he showed a lot, four very significant plays In a short space of time, nice pass to Richards at 78th minute with a direct shot that could have easily been a goal. Seems to have the potential to be a good passer, carried the ball nicely a few times, with confidence and vision.

    Joel grant - 7 also very good, impressive, sprung a nice little pass to gray at 86 with resulting shot on crossbar. Cross to Austin for third goal at 87th minute, nice carry and control at 89 minute.

    Campbell - 4 did not see anything at all, maybe one little battle for the ball, not enough time to see much.

    Overall good game, improvement needed for Haiti game at right back, from Taylor at cb, Watson at dm. If I was Haiti I would be attacking hard right at gray over and over again.

    Haiti in their desire to beat us on home soil will play more open than would be expected of a team just needing a draw, we need to make sure we take care of the back and middle and really bring the heat repeatedly with Dawkins, Grant, Mcanuff, Seaton all pretty versatile.
    Last edited by Stonigut; November 16, 2014, 02:36 PM.

  • #2
    Very good grading. Gray is a good attacking wingback but needs to work on his defensive side. The kind of attitude that Watson have is the one why he hasn't been able to get more out of his career. He seems comfortable just doing the basics.
    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


    • #3
      Thank you Stonigut!


      • #4
        I have to agree with most of your assessment sir. However, I thought Watson showed vast improvement in the second half. He looked steady and reliable beside Austin. With the manner that Austin and McAnuff were running the middle in the second half, Watson complimented them well and did what was needed.

        Your assessment on Taylor is spot on . I was also disappointed in his performance as the senior player in the back four. Alvas looked a lot more comfortable and assured than he did and his performance was the worst of the four defenders in my opinion. Anyway, the team played well overall and again, you hit the nail on the head with your analysis.


        • #5
          ..perhaps Taylor had an off day?
          "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


          • #6
            Sometimes people say that if you are doing your job well it is like you are almost invisible, there may be some truth there of Watson in this game. He was not a standout on the positive side but he also was not an issue on negative side scent for one bad ball I remember and of course the yellow.


            • #7
              Yeah, I am going to have to look at him closer today. I really don't like to see any attacking player round around my wingback and the back have no response, if he is faster then use strength and block his path and harass him as much as possible if he does pass you, I saw little if any response that time from Gray, sometimes just pride alone will get you moving.


              • #8
                I have seen him look a lot better.
                Nonchalant attitudes is something which we just cannot afford, look at McAnuff at 33, he is hustling all over on both sides of the ball and it could be said that he had a better second half than first, which talks to fitness, conditioning and mental strength, very impressed with that performance in that game. Need more tonight.


                • #9
                  Stoni, do you expect an overlapping defender to do both things very well, overlap and defend? Bibi didn't do it, Roberto Carlos didn't do it either.

                  Do you know what instructions Hughan Gray was playing to?

                  BLACK LIVES MATTER


                  • #10
                    So Mo, but them cut he took was not even basic defending. At least Roberto Carlos or Bibi would have stood them up. He simply has to work on the defensive side of his game. He did very well going forward.
                    • Don't let negative things break you, instead let it be your strength, your reason for growth. Life is for living and I won't spend my life feeling cheated and downtrodden.


                    • #11
                      "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


                      • #12
                        Mo, it look like we name Brazil. Are you kidding!!
                        I never see Bibi get chop like that and then the man get off a shot, are you kidding me, I never see Bibi get left in the dust like that, the man run round di man, wasn't even close. Even me in my old age woulda haf FI hold on to a shirt or something.


                        • #13
                          Stay deh assessing the player from one game. I have seen at least 20 matches with him over the years, including his matches for Waterhouse in this year's CONCACAF Champions League.

                          BLACK LIVES MATTER


                          • #14
                            I don't see much hustle from McAnuff tonight. Is a good ting I am not assessing his football abilities from this one match!

                            BLACK LIVES MATTER


                            • #15
                              I never say anything about more than one game. He has done very well actually, to play so well and make strong contributions is really good with so little experience, his good outweighs the bad. More games will tell us if those weaknesses are serious or just really short term focus issues. I didn't see any big defensive lapses today from him, but I did not see the whole game.

                              Btw I also watched him at Waterhouse but this is one step up from that.

