If you really want to be impressed, beg X to give you fi him answer! LOL!!! Anyway, you bring up a good point. Most developmental problems are within our control, but not all. There is no question in my mind that elements of the system are rigged to keep minorities from advancing and the most important one is education. I may NOT be 100% right on this, but as I understand it, K-12 public education is funded primarily from property taxes. Therefore, rich neighbourhoods can afford better schools. Now, tell me, how can the problems of poor neighbourhoods ever be remedied if the "haves" don't want to be fair? One solution is to make sure that the best among us don't move out of the "old neighbourhoods" but who wants to live among the bottom feeders, like kind or not? It is a problem.
Good chat, sah!
...in the context of ignoring source of funding for schools, the fact of the 'monied class' having access to best schools is fact of live. Who among us having the means at our disposal would not motivate like persons to develop & create 'best schools' for our offsprings? ...or attending best available school...and who among us would not wish to live in 'best communities'?
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."