...and others who are like minded:
My point on the education institutions being where most of our academies - not the stand alone=football specific edifices - should be created and therefore sited is in contrast to merely building physical structures i.e. fields with buildings with the cold empty inputs without highly qualified administrators and teachers of football. That building of an edifice without quality teacher-coaches=professional instructors, is a waste.
The JFF's academy is one such waste.
It is simple the JFF has no professional administrators or highly qualified teachers of football. The JFF bosses are once again illustrating their ignorance. They, by action, have shown that they are convinced that a building with state of the art necessary equipment and field an academy makes. Perfect example of ignoramuses minding the store!
We need the teachers=coaches to mold footballers!!! PERIOD!!!
The matter of physical structures suggests to me that it would be cost effective to use structures already standing=in existence.
We need top quality teachers! Train and educate same is top priority.
The efforts the JFF are currently making at doing same is inefficient and is turning out many persons lacking in/without knowledge of the game. The results of the work of these graduates show FAILURE to impart needed knowledge. It would not be a stretch to say the results point to imparting of faulty concepts and wrong precepts to their students. A case of "the blind, leading the blind"...save the JFF is 'manufacturing a host/an army of "the blind".
My point on the education institutions being where most of our academies - not the stand alone=football specific edifices - should be created and therefore sited is in contrast to merely building physical structures i.e. fields with buildings with the cold empty inputs without highly qualified administrators and teachers of football. That building of an edifice without quality teacher-coaches=professional instructors, is a waste.
The JFF's academy is one such waste.
It is simple the JFF has no professional administrators or highly qualified teachers of football. The JFF bosses are once again illustrating their ignorance. They, by action, have shown that they are convinced that a building with state of the art necessary equipment and field an academy makes. Perfect example of ignoramuses minding the store!
We need the teachers=coaches to mold footballers!!! PERIOD!!!
The matter of physical structures suggests to me that it would be cost effective to use structures already standing=in existence.
We need top quality teachers! Train and educate same is top priority.
The efforts the JFF are currently making at doing same is inefficient and is turning out many persons lacking in/without knowledge of the game. The results of the work of these graduates show FAILURE to impart needed knowledge. It would not be a stretch to say the results point to imparting of faulty concepts and wrong precepts to their students. A case of "the blind, leading the blind"...save the JFF is 'manufacturing a host/an army of "the blind".