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Bennett eyes further success with Swedish club

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  • #16
    RE: Bennett eyes further success with Swedish club

    My understanding is that Village like most of the players leaving Harbour View, is not earning from these moves as the players are loaned out.

    When their season ends in October/November a release is sought and they are allowed to return to Village.

    Now if Osters signs Bennett to a long term deal then they would own his rights, no?

    But what right do you have to talk about monies being paid under the counter or however you described it? Do you know anything about Village management that would lead you to such an assumption?
    Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
    Che Guevara.


    • #17
      RE: Bennett eyes further success with Swedish club

      LOL......Sickko I am going to rename you Ntwydmala. It was the name of a lion who killed off two hyena matriarchs in a documentary I watched years ago....it's literal translation means....."He who greets with fire".......There could not be a more fitting name for you. - T.K.
      No need to thank me forumites.


      • #18
        RE: Bennett eyes further success with Swedish club

        Sickko (9/1/2006)My understanding is that Village like most of the players leaving Harbour View, is not earning from these moves as the players are loaned out.

        When their season ends in October/November a release is sought and they are allowed to return to Village.

        Now if Osters signs Bennett to a long term deal then they would own his rights, no??
        So like me you have no clue. As a reporter find out for us...nuh?

        But what right do you have to talk about monies being paid under the counter or however you described it? Do you know anything about Village management that would lead you to such an assumption?
        I did not assume there was money paid under the counter...but, as an interested party (I have an interest in Jamaica's football and thus every sphere/area of 'di football')...I would like to know if monies passed hands...and, if the Village organisation reaped *financial benefits.

        *I recognise..and, I think, we all recognise that other non-financial benefits have accured tothe Village organisation by the Bennett transfer.

        ...and, Oh -btw..whenpersons take 'Jack' Warner and or Burrell and or Boxhill to task by asking pertinent questions - do they know Warner, Burrell and or Boxhill? Massa be consistent with your stances. trus mi I am always consistent!

        "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


        • #19
          RE: Bennett eyes further success with Swedish club

          I have been called many things in the past, even a labourite right here on this board but this seems to be a bigging up, rahtid...'He who greets with fire'.

          BTW why has happened to the fire crew on the board...them burn themselves out????
          Solidarity is not a matter of well wishing, but is sharing the very same fate whether in victory or in death.
          Che Guevara.


          • #20
            RE: Bennett eyes further success with Swedish club

            So dat was yur plan.....yuh nuh easy a boxcova!!!! misleading title to get attention and then claim 500 views so Lowe mus get cal.l...yuh nuh easy !! The X stand fi waH ? xNEWS PROPAGANDA!! :w00t:
            Sunday, August 28th, 2011. We will never forget !!

