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This is why I can't watch the EPL

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Stonigut View Post
    No, there has been a correct trend recently that time wasted in injury time is added to formal injury time. Stop all this ridiculous time wasting business.
    Here is a part of the ridiculous - Time cannot be wasted if stoppage time is always added! Nuh tru?

    ...so for consistency:
    - all stoppage time for each game should be kept by the 4th ref with the addition of electronic auto assistance;

    - *no caution should be issued for what we now term "player wasting time" or "TEAM wasting time" (as that is impossible if all stoppage time lost is always being added) .

    Without having access to info on average total time lost during stoppages - fouls called to re-start of game in appropriate manner + ball out of play over touch-lines and goal-lines to restart in appropriate manner + stoppages for any other causes to re-start of game in appropriate manner; my guess is each half would end at least 5 minutes beyond continuous 45 minutes. That is currently not the case. It is the context of what currently holds that I had a problem with this ref not adding time commensurate with and consistent with the time he added in the first half. Such action, in context of past BoyU's "Fergie's time" to me appears be instituting "Van Gaal's time" and both "Fergie's time" and if the assumption on watching this ref's action is correct smacks of cheating for and behalf of BoyU!!!!

    *Players and TEAMs now engage in fooling around during stoppages because past ref's acts have communicated that benefit can be derived from fooling around during stoppages as there is no consistent method of enforcing addition of time lost as a result of stoppages during matches. In other words, in these instances the FIFA and National Football Associations efforts to apply management of games in most consistent manner is not being met...and that by direct result of not instituting clearly apparent method to rectify same i.e. remove the inconsistency=move to consistent implementation on addition of time to be added as a result of stoppages in play.
    Last edited by Karl; August 18, 2014, 10:15 AM.
    "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."


    • #17
      Oh Sorry Mr. Marin to get back to you

      But yes Mi still a wait broh...all now August 20,2014 mi nuh hear nuthing from "Mr. Keep it Real"...I guess it mean "keep it to himself"...lmao...


      All now Lazie still missing
      "Everyone who knows me understands that I hold no prejudices in this regard....In the family atmosphere of the {RBSC}telethon, I forget that not everyone knows me that well." ....attributed to Jerry Lewis....

