Originally posted by Stonigut
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http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_M%C3%BCller & TH14's view: http://hereisthecity.com/en-gb/2014/...er-bayern-mun/ & FIFA describes him as,
Thomas Muller is one of that rare breed of footballers, whose displays makes them impossible to pigeon-hole. He has long been one of the most dangerous attacking midfielders in the world game thanks to his instinctive style, untrackable movement and ability to seemingly always make the right decisions even at full sprint. - http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/players...le-detail.html
Thomas Muller is one of that rare breed of footballers, whose displays makes them impossible to pigeon-hole. He has long been one of the most dangerous attacking midfielders in the world game thanks to his instinctive style, untrackable movement and ability to seemingly always make the right decisions even at full sprint. - http://www.fifa.com/worldcup/players...le-detail.html
Aside: The Spanish national TEAM of a few past years (previous 10(?) years) and the current German TEAM (TEAM as presented during the last World Cup) is (differences but consider them as one model) where present coaches must aim to replicate if they are serious about/on becoming top in their field and wish ultimate achievements for their TEAMs.
It is as I said on this forum years ago...and have repeated over time - TEAM where each player is fast, technically and tactically magnificent...minds operating within...always within...TEAM concept.
TEAM 1st, 2nd, 3rd, ...to infinitum! TEAM! TEAM! Glorious TEAM!!!