I have to admit,I felt joy seeing how sad the fans from Argentina were...
Agentina defense starts when the ball is in their half,flawed tactic....,even after the goal Germany challenged for the ball on Argentina half.
simple as that...but now yuh gonna have the loggerheads like karl & rockman and jawge chatting a bag a foolishness bout tactical error & blah blah blah
You do not get it,Germany could have done much better too,those lame shots were atypical
Argentina hurdle was getting shots on target to have ANY chance of scoring,Germany passed THAT hurdle.
Argentina has to have possessio... in order to score,the stats overwhelmingly favoured Germany despite Argentina reputation of playing a possession game.
You lose the possession game because your forwards were not pressing for possession of the ball...
Tactically flawed.
i am not even an Argie fan this trip. Everyone knows I maintain that if Chewy Luis did just keep im teeth in Check, Uruguay would have won this thing.
But stop it. Argentina got at least 3 sitter. Higuain missed 2 CERTAIN goal and Palicio missed one. messi should also have buried his chance, which was easier than the one Goethe scored.
Suh you cite tactical discipline and defense will ensure a victory for Argentina but they did NOT win.
Would you agree that the chance of Argentina scoring would increase had they had more shot on target and possession?
Besides,do not think for one minute missing to me is the illegal tactics of stomping the foot of their opponent(that largely went unpunished)which potentially thwarted any purposeful attack...
On one play,a Germany players was stomped by the two players involved....