you cannot attack the ball when a goalkeeper releases it for a punt...anybody who play football know that...except you...
You cannot attack the ball when the goalkeeper releases it for a 'punt'? Even you should know that is nonsense!
So if the 'keeper releases the ball...
i) delays his 'punt' decides to take a walk around...
ii) throws it a 'mile high' everyone takes a seat until he makes his 'punt'?
iii) using a forward motion that causes it to travel 1, 2, 3, 5...10...20...50 feet... the players should await his 'punt'?
iv) what if he releases the ball with aim of taking a 'punt' then changes his mind and stands perfectly still? ...everyone waits around for him to decide if he will then decide he shall 'punt'?
Look - The Laws are written to cover as best as the IFAB and FIFA can, all contingencies. allow for sensible execution of same!!!!
Preventing a player from attempting to play the ball ONCE IT HAS BEEN 'LEGALLY' RELEASED=put INTO PLAY was never a part of the game. It is the height of silliness to suggest that in the absence of "the laws" protected provisions any player...goalkeeper or other can legally release=put the ball into play and all other players save the player who released=put the ball into play cannot play same until after the player who had released=put it into play once more plays it!!!
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has."
With regard to CBF’s request for the cancellation of the caution shown to the player Thiago Emiliano da Silva during the match played against Colombia, the chairman came to the conclusion that the FIFA Disciplinary Committee cannot consider the matter given the fact that there is no legal basis entitling it to grant such request.
"Levitate over ground" is the correct terminology.
Then again, it really depends on the relative density of the air, the dew point, the temperature and the Dow Jones points as of the previous day's close of trading.