Over the past few years at least in the Atlanta metro thereis huge development of soccer. There were some community teams, basicallypeople who rented the community parks and run their soccer teams. Over the last3 years, many of these teams are been bought out by well-run outfits. An example is in the immediate area where Ilive SSA bought out 6 community teams, each with 3000-4000 kids and growing. InMarietta there is NASA doing the same thing. This is happening all overAtlanta. YMCA is also involved. SSA is connected to Chelsea Football Club. TheJersey is the same as Chelsea’s and changes every two years. They also haveassociation with Nike and soccer.com. Chelsea coaches also come to some camps.In the fall and spring there are tournaments every week.
Very good coaches are finding themselves in these academiesas it means stable job and a decent wage. Coaches like Simon Davies (former UKClub coach) Paul Young (former Jamaican national team coach) and the list goeson. Technically at the young youth level, the US realized a few years ago thatmore concentration has to be placed on holding the ball and short passing andmoving. In college when I played most of the teams would just get the ball downthe wing and cross for headers. Now at the youth level the academy, the USsoccer is encouraging rolling the ball out to the side and building plays. Itwill mean teams who play this game at the youth level will sometimes lose the ball;this is what they are encouraging. Less emphasis is place on heading and bigclearance. Most of the academies areemploying skill coaches for the elite groups to work at least one session perweek. One drawback is that some academies believe in playing their best playerin defense most of the time. I can’t see through that philosophy. The top academiesare competing with MLS Academies.
The people are seeing that soccer is not gender or racespecific and it doesn’t matter size or looks. It is a sport that gives everyonea chance and builds team spirit and confidence in kids. Before this year, Inever thought the US could win a world Cup in my lifetime but right now Ibelieve it is possible. The support on the ground is swelling and people aregetting involved. It was no surprise when Falcon’s owner Arthur Blanc’sdaughter was a youth soccer player so it was no surprise when he decided to geta new MLS team. 20 million people involved will mean more supporters as itmeans another 20 thousand plus parents and family who goes to game. The kind ofpassion for the US team I saw in the last few days was overwhelming.
As Don1 said there is a lot to learn from the US structure.From the youth academies, to ODP, training and national planning.