Sometime past I made a post on the way cheating is institutionalized in football. Using my own experiences - Looking back in terms of playing time it was minimal. - from my very early introduction to the game it was accepted that the players, hold, push, trip, block...the opponent. They were a very many ways other ways cheating was inculcated as being a part of the game.
It was encapsulated in the term,
It said to players and fans that unfair tactics and acts would go unpunished. There was the implied, if the referee failed to call 'the foul' it was A-OK to benefit. Taken a step further, it suggests, 'foul' but do not get caught.
It is amazing that in the pursuit of a win it seems as if anything goes to achieve or preserve a win. If behaving in such a manner is not A-OK at worse it is expected!
Now I consider being spat on as the ultimate abuse...disrespect...insult. Others have other pet peeves. ...but when I played being kicked, pushed, slapped, blocked...hand used on ball to prevent passes, etc...No problem!!! Hell...I developed a way of matching strides with my opponent if I could not legally win the ball I would swing my leg adjacent/besides the opponent's leg to slightly make contact as they trailed (just left the ground) most often that resulted in the opponent's trail leg then hitting his standing leg and putting him off stride. This usually resulted in the opponent falling. Just about all the time no foul was called. I have often wondered why I thought then and think now it was no big thing. Clearly it was deliberately applying unfair methods in the pursuit of a win...
As a fan and one who has spent perhaps too much time studying the game, I learnt years past that spitting on an opponent, spitting in one's hand and wiping in on face and in hair of opponent, hurling racial slurs, crass references to female member's of opponents family as being engaged in the world's old profession, smiling in seemingly friendly manner and racking fingers across scull or face and worse is all par for the course in attempts to gain an advantage. Of course particularly in this age of cameras everywhere the easily seen over-the-top tackle that too often results in serious injury to the player on the receiving end...that type tackle...often results in no punishment or a 'do not do that again in this game' caution or 'off you go' tickle on the wrist.
Suarez has not taken the cheating that exists to new heights, he has merely more often engaged in an act that for most persons appear to be more revolting than being spat on.
Unfortunately - Spit on me and in that moment of rage I would be attempting to beat you senseless regardless of personal cost. ...that I know is a visceral reaction and devoid of applying rational thought, but that is me. I believe in Suarez's biting opponents during matches?
I am vehemently opposed to that action but not as vehemently as opposed to being spat on or the spitting on an opponent. FIFA shall take action as FIFA wishes...but to me the 'spitters' should be banned for life!!! 'Spitting' literally 'turns my stomach'. ...getting at someone who does that to in that moment violent reaction to makes it 'right to die for'.
The 'biting thing'? That Suarez guy is mad!
It was encapsulated in the term,
play to the whistle.
It is amazing that in the pursuit of a win it seems as if anything goes to achieve or preserve a win. If behaving in such a manner is not A-OK at worse it is expected!
Now I consider being spat on as the ultimate abuse...disrespect...insult. Others have other pet peeves. ...but when I played being kicked, pushed, slapped, blocked...hand used on ball to prevent passes, etc...No problem!!! Hell...I developed a way of matching strides with my opponent if I could not legally win the ball I would swing my leg adjacent/besides the opponent's leg to slightly make contact as they trailed (just left the ground) most often that resulted in the opponent's trail leg then hitting his standing leg and putting him off stride. This usually resulted in the opponent falling. Just about all the time no foul was called. I have often wondered why I thought then and think now it was no big thing. Clearly it was deliberately applying unfair methods in the pursuit of a win...
As a fan and one who has spent perhaps too much time studying the game, I learnt years past that spitting on an opponent, spitting in one's hand and wiping in on face and in hair of opponent, hurling racial slurs, crass references to female member's of opponents family as being engaged in the world's old profession, smiling in seemingly friendly manner and racking fingers across scull or face and worse is all par for the course in attempts to gain an advantage. Of course particularly in this age of cameras everywhere the easily seen over-the-top tackle that too often results in serious injury to the player on the receiving end...that type tackle...often results in no punishment or a 'do not do that again in this game' caution or 'off you go' tickle on the wrist.
Suarez has not taken the cheating that exists to new heights, he has merely more often engaged in an act that for most persons appear to be more revolting than being spat on.
Unfortunately - Spit on me and in that moment of rage I would be attempting to beat you senseless regardless of personal cost. ...that I know is a visceral reaction and devoid of applying rational thought, but that is me. I believe in Suarez's biting opponents during matches?
I am vehemently opposed to that action but not as vehemently as opposed to being spat on or the spitting on an opponent. FIFA shall take action as FIFA wishes...but to me the 'spitters' should be banned for life!!! 'Spitting' literally 'turns my stomach'. ...getting at someone who does that to in that moment violent reaction to makes it 'right to die for'.
The 'biting thing'? That Suarez guy is mad!